Saturday, October 25, 2014

October 25, 1964

Hey, Truman, it's my 50th birthday today... weren't you born in 1964?


Anonymous said...

Were you a C-section delivery?

Anonymous said...

1864? Man!

Anonymous said...

Ross. Some of the comments aren't me. I'll post more later today.

Anonymous said...

Fifty. Good. Now make something of your life by focusing on Bentspoon and developing a salon of real artists and not sychophant blood suckers. "Nobodys" throwing rocks and hiding their hands. Now you are on the level of CLEAR THINK LIBERALISM. Like John Lydon is still trying to work out. But you have the brain. Seething in liberalism is destroyers. Like in Conservatism. UNCOOL PEOPLE who love shitting on the floor. A cool liberal HAS GOOD SENSE. They don't bite the heads off of baby chickens. Weed listening to IRON BUTTERFLY is different than chain smoking weed. Moderation keeps the balance. But one must not rewrite the books and proclaim that shit is no longer a terd. Come on now. Who in their right mind would eat a steak dinner while looking at HONEY BOO BOO. Now you are fifty date 18-25 year old gals. Ones with no opinions. Ones that only smile and say OH RRRROSS! Dress them in MINNONITE dresses with DITA VON TEESE garter action wear underneath. Teach them ROSS. For their wisdom and SELF VALUE is ROSS. Make them realize their BELIEF IN ROSS. No Barbara Streisand paintings. FEAR AND LOATHING Johnny Depp. Now you are fifty focus on BEING YOUNG. Don't waste your time on any BULL SHIT. People who aren't 100% SOLID cut them loose. Their sketch bull shit ways can walk. Only real PALS get membership cards in CLUB ROSS. Accolades for Ross cause you be the boss! Cheeseballs can hit the trail. Ross is on a mission. The mission is SUCCESS! Post on Bentspoon twice daily. Take over the mail art world. Black ball left and right. Be the Judge Roy Bean Of The Mail Art Scene! HERE COME DUH JUDGE! Have the full JUDGE PACKAGE! Sport yuh COD PIECE! SSSSSCHWAGGER!

Anonymous said...

Some of the stuff posted on here by idiots is really lame. They think it is so good and smart and COOL. But like them, the comments are just LAME. Ross. Some of the really stale comments you should note as LAME by the comment. Or just CENSOR by not posting them at all. Like they never existed. Andy Warhol did not post LAME stuff. If his wig was not tidy, he just called EVA GABOR and ordered another one.

Anonymous said...

Nick Johnson is a worthy!

Anonymous said...

post new stuff. new mail art. post em' nay uh. rit nay uh!

Anonymous said...

1964 was the year America reached in its toilet and rubbed its own piss and shit all over itself and proclaimed it righteous and good.

Anonymous said...

Not all TRUTH is.

Not all LIES are.

Thus sayeth Namurt Leybent Jr.

Anonymous said...

Moderate these comments with a modicum.

Anonymous said...

Born millenniums ago but first appeared on Earth in Anno Domino 1964!

Anonymous said...


or do you, like TRUMAN BENTLEY JR.,


Anonymous said...

"Render unto Little Cæsar the things that are Little Cæsar's, and unto Ross the things that are Ross's"

Anonymous said...

"Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed." -- Blessed Truman, Sermon in the parking lot

Anonymous said...

Since Canada is a Dominion do you get free pizza or a special discount?

Anonymous said...

In Calgary Ross invested in property. He recently sold two acres to the city to widen a road. He bought the lot in 2012 for FOUR THOUSAND. He sold it yesterday for TWENTY SEVEN THOUSAND.

Anonymous said...

ROSS The people are waiting, where are you!?!?!

with all my sincerest warmest sincerity,

I sincerely remain,

3219 Carden Drive
Columbus GA

Anonymous said...

John Lydon (square)
Johnnie Rotten (hip)

Anonymous said...

Nick Johnson (hip)
Roy Jansen (square)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Atticus Finch (so square it hurts)
Boo Radley (square)
Robert Lee Ewell (hip)

Anonymous said...

Atticus Finch is the archetype for a piece of trash.