from the Vol. 12, No. 11 (Nov. '09) issue of FUCK! which also includes work by HD Moe, Klipschutz, John M. Bennett, Thorn himself, Emolo & Carl Miller Daniels
Rosback perforating machine. from Opuntia 68, which includes an article "How Artistamps Changed My Life" by Anna Banana, plus "Amos of Tekoa" by Dale Speirs, etc.
Letter of comment, trade for your zine or $3 cash to:
Dale Speirs Box 6830 Calgary, AB T2P 2E7 CANADA
Ian Christoper Goodman generator (poetry, 67 pages. available from: Snare Books) This is a new feature here on bentspoon, books i promised to review! i'm on the poetry collective of filling Station magazine: filling Station, and part of our meetings is the ceremonial giving out of "review copies." I can never resist the temptation completely, but it takes me forever to read anything (mostly because I read EVERYTHING!) I was attracted by a lot of the computery type stuff in here: chat logs, html code, etc.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
carlyle baker "gasoline" [from the october issue of fmachinery which includes five more visual poems by carlyle. contact:
Monday, October 12, 2009
Guy R. Beining "Something is Coming, Something is Coming!"
[from the latest issue of Lee Thorn's zine (vol. 12, no. 10, Oct. '09) which also includes poetry by "normal", J.J. Campbell, Tom Weigel, Pat Steele & Gary Every. More info on Thorn's zine below:
Bruno Capatti Via I. Luminasi, 22 40059 Medicina (BO) ITALY
John M. Bennett [from the Sept. 09 issue of Lee Thorn's zine: FUCK! (vol. 12, no. 9) which also includes work by Joel Dailey, Justin Hyde, Sean Brendan-Brown, Joseph Verrilli, Thorn himself, James Babbs, & more John M. Bennett!
write Thorn at:
Lee Thorn Box 85571 Tucson, AZ 85754 USA
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Edition Janus Eberhard Janke Schlosstr. 8 13507 Berlin GERMANY
Emolo 231 E 22nd St Paterson, NJ 07514 USA
Monday, October 05, 2009
Sigismund Urban
from Cypripedium Unbound No. 35/36
contact: Peter Whitson Warren 902 24th St. West Billings, MT 59102-3806 USA
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Jon Cone, "Sitting Getting Up Sitting Again" (16 pp.) with letterpress cover, Standing Guard in a Cornfield Press, Iowa City, IA