Daniel F. Bradley

Daniel, let me apologize for dropping the word "retard" it was uncalled for. All i am trying to say is that your dyslexia is both a gift and a curse. Because if your dyslexia plays a part in helping you create work like the above, then it is decidedly a gift. On the other hand, if it's your dyslexia that makes you write garbled hate-filled "criticisms" then it's a curse. Stick with the concrete. Fuck the criticism. It will all wash out in time. how old is this piece above? 1997? older? 80s? who cares? the point is it's a great piece of art with lasting value. who's going to remember the bile you slung (except in a general way ie. "oh, that asshole") in five years? ten?
one thing that can be said for mail-art is it's a paradigm of toleration (and almost (but not quite) a hate-free zone)
as to the bottlecaps, i admit it's pretty pathetic, but i started it with my son, and he was the real driving force there for a while... ie. i did it out of love (which as a new parent i'm sure you can appreciate)
anyway, MORE CONCRETE! (less bile! please!)