Monday, August 22, 2005

Ruggero Maggi via Dale Speirs

In the art world there are some resistances at the introduction of computer and other technological means, due to their costs and to the fear that they could rationalize too much the artistic work. But computers and other means are like a pencil or brush; the only difference lies in their higher degree of evolution. I think that the technique must not be the principle factor of artistic operations, but only a wonderful and quick means in sevice of the poetic message.

In this society which quickly devours products and images, a computer is the ideal means of expression. Pierre Restany, in one of his recent writings, says: "We live in a post-industrial society, that is, in a society which has not really surpassed the industrial stage, but is charged of it, totally saturated of industries. In this society it's necessary to re-invent the relationship between the Man and the Machine, and nowadays the machine is the computer. To make a new definition of this relationship implies creating the right and true conditions of a dialogue between two kinds of intelligence, the artificial and the human one."

The networker, through his own poetic and the contacts with other artistic realities, reaches in his own work a high degree of cultural and formal contents, for which it is now necessary to determine the new relative codes and rules. Computer and other technological means give many more great possibilities, but mail art is the network.

Ruggero Maggi Sempione 67
20149 Milano, Italy

from Opuntia 58.1
c/o Dale Speirs
Box 6830
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 2E7

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