Sunday, June 03, 2007

derek beaulieu continues to demonstrate the gift economy

i stopped by derek's the other day with a few issues of my zine edm (already defunct!) by way of return for the last crop of stuff & wouldn't you know it he loaded me up with another batch!

1) Paper Crane - J. Robertson 2002 - a nice little two inch by two inch booklet of about 12 pages (plus a lot of blanks interspersed) with photos of someone making an origami crane. "$3.00"

2) d.a. levy - for jim lowells goldfish - #9 in the POEMS-FOR-ALL series.

3) an acre of something - Rob McLennan - #323 in the POEMS-FOR-ALL series:

4) For Gregory Corso - Robert Creeley - #3 in the P-F-A series.

5) "lightlike" - a little double-sided visual poem from IZEN

6) beauty & Happiness - K. Clemens - (Sept. 1998, Toronto) nice little colour copy collage poetry booklet (limited edition: this is #7 of 20)

7) "Penny Poems" - Tim Lander - Vancouver, Victoria & Nanaimo, 1992 - nice little hand-bound booklet of handwritten & illustrated poems - 51 pages (or so)

8) The Death and Apotheosis of Ronny Walker - Tim Lander - Nanaimo, 1994 - handwritten, handbound & hand-illustrated long poem/story - 17 pages

9) Self Publishing and the Culture of Poetry - Tim Lander - Nanaimo - essay, handbound, 11 pages

10) "Tiny Elvis" - a wee flyer for a book by Lillian Nacakov, published by Suburban Home (made) Sick Press - four blurbs & one poem

11) Swelling - John M. Bennett - (introduction by Al Ackerman) - 1988, the Runaway Spoon Press, Port Charlotte, Florida - 37 pages

12) Peter O'Toole, a magazine of one-line poems, #1 - edited by Stuart Ross - May 2003 - - 20 pages

13) wordswords - Stuart Mills - Tarasque Press - visual poetry postcard

14) I've tasted your blood - author not indicated - one poem leaflet - "Friday, April 7, 1995"

15) Unarmed #40 - 16 pages - 21 poets - saint paul, minn., 2003

16) Hangtown - Clint Hutzulak - 1990 - artdog press, Victoria, BC - 10 pages (fiction)

17) A Story or a Poem - Daniel f. Bradley - Pangen Subway Ritual, no date - 2 pages

18) Hey Mom I've Been Censored - filling Station Publications Society & MODLPress 2004, 6 poets, 8 pages

19) Polartis (ETZ), Special Issue 1999 (A Decade After) - ed. Pete Spence - Ocean Grove, Australia - 17 pages of visual poetry & mailart from around the world

20) syd & shirley #1 - ed. Stuart Ross - 60 pages - Toronto, 2005 - poetry, fiction, interviews

21) flatland #21, derek beaulieu - Puddle leaflet #3 - Griddle Grin, Ottawa, 2006

22) Post Beige Copy Nomenclature, For Extreme View Blocked, No. 2 - Guy R. Beining - Nietzsche's Brolly Broadsheet 48, May 1995 (colour copy)

23) fhole number 1 Aug 2004 ed. Daniel f. Bradley - 28 pages of poetry, visual poetry, photos, etc.

24) The Rain Review of Books, Issue 4:2, Summer-Autumn 2006
8 pages, newspaper style

here's a couple more links out of the last: , , , ,

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