Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lee Goldberg
63 Coolwater Rd.
Bell Canyon, CA 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just created a website called Dear Old Home, which is a mail art project where individuals write a letter to the house they grew up in, or their college dorm room, or any living location that was once important to them. Contributors can find an old photo of the what the house looked like when they lived there, try to draw it from memory, or just write about an event or feeling about the place. The site does not have a lot of content yet, as I am just beginning to get it off the ground and sort through submissions, but you can read more about it here: http://dearoldhouse.wordpress.com/about/ I would be thrilled to feature you on the site and would love to hear about the house you grew up in. Cheers!