Wednesday, May 13, 2015

the gang's all here

Addnpass with work by Massimo Medola, Nick Johnson, David Stanley Aponte, Katerina Nikoltsou, Karrie Boman, Thompson, Todd Zadnik, Jeff Crouch, Darlene Altschul, Erik M. Adams, Opal Moiety, The Masked Claw, Stan, Bill Gaglione maybe?, IUOMA, and last but not least:

Truman Bentley Jr.
3219 Carden Drive
Columbus, GA


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

This is the best add and pass collage ever!


Anonymous said...

As a GOD the ONLY GOD, THE GOD. As a Religion.

only speaks to those who PRAY TO HIM!


Anonymous said...

GRAFFITI is not art. If it is a glass christmas ornament filled with paint smashed against graffiti also is art. UGLY GRAFFITI is made WHOLESOME when a glass christmas ornament filled with paint is smashed against it. Several ornaments can cover UGLY GRAFFITI. Prepare ornaments. Drip candle wax over the hole in the ornament to seal it so you won't get paint on you when you throw it. Graffiti artists if they LOVE ART should be PLEASED if NEW ART, called PAINT SPLATTER is placed over their art. GRAFFITI ON TOP OF GRAFFITI. Yes. That is REAL ART. So keep art alive. SUPPORT GRAFFITI PAINT SPLATTER. Tag graffiti art world wide. ART IS LOVELY! ART IS ALIVE! Five christmas ornaments can be thrown in FIVE SECONDS.

Anonymous said...

Like HIGH KARATE cologne, TRUMAN BENTLEY JR. smells so damn sexy!

Anonymous said...

To nineteen year old Sustuh Gal who confronted Jeb Bush about American Exceptionalism and NATIONALIST RHETORIC. Saying "W" created isis. obama pulled out creating the vacuum. Okay progressive gal. If the United States disappeared today. How quick do you think it would be where we would be living in a world of dictators and total barbarism. Listen to JOHN LYDON talking about that Katy Perry ex. Cardboard boxes under the bridge. Earth First advocates humans returning to less than cavemen. Sit in your Universities and preach your LIBERAL FASCISM. Preach on. EUGENE OREGON THINKING can't even stop the lumber industry on old growth. LIBERAL FASCISM IS KNOW IT ALL WHAT IS BEST FOR EVERYONE TYRANNY. BEWARE PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL FASCISM PEOPLE!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is not a collage. This is GAR BAHDGE!

Anonymous said...

Orange Julius

Anonymous said...

Americans are loud, boorish, and mostly abhorred overseas!!! They need to get over the America is #1 at EVERYTHING mentality, because it simply isn't true, and spouting that off makes Americans sound like a bunch of bible thumping, loudmouth cowboys. I love being from Canada. We're welcomed most anywhere because we're nice, not too crazy, and don't shove Canadian pride down their throats.

Anonymous said...

In Florida canadians arrive with their cars and elite smug holy-ier than thou liberal think. Ya'll have America to keep you from getting invaded. So you are like a spoiled kid resenting and hating DADDY. That is why ya'll have money to spend on liberal social shit and infrastructure. We americans are tired and over taxed from paying for defending the free world. When we see canadians getting sun burned on the beach in Florida we laugh. We serve ya'll food that fell on the floor in our restaurants. We want ya'll to spend your money and go home. We don't even want to fuck your women.

Anonymous said...

canadians want to be fucked by COWBOYS so bad that is why they have such a huge rodeo scene in calgary. Or was it/is it EDMONTON.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One thing I do like about CANADA is it supported THE CONFEDERACY and coordinated the efforts of the Great Hero JOHN WILKES BOOTH! For JOHN WILKES BOOTH is righteous and glorious for bringing judgement on that murdering rapist dog dick sucker abe lincoln.

Anonymous said...

A man without PRIDE is a little bitch.

Anonymous said...


John Left CYNTHIA with a small child for yoke. In America the first wife gets social security based on the last three years or highest three years of income. John became a U.S. citizen. Cynthia and Julian his son should get that. Also John was a MEMBER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. MBE. They also should be entitled to all connected with that. Yoke should go SKREECH somewhere else. John was mentally ill. Yoke stole John from Cynthia. Poor Julian. As far as post Cynthia. Anything that came of that was like TAKING ADVANTAGE OF A HANDICAPPED or RETARDED PERSON. Yoke should be ashamed. Gold digger.
John should have been arrested for SUBVERSION. His anti war mess emboldened viet cong. Many soldiers were lost after seeing billboards back home with WAR IS OVER printed in magazines. Not only was he mentally ill. He was a subversive. He undermined American confidence during war time. Plus he was mean to Jesus in 1966. JAME FAWNDER also should be put away for treason. She should be sentenced to at least FIFTY YEARS in that prison in San Francisco Bay. On that island. Pronounced EYE LYNN. FREE SPEECH. Ain't it uh bitch.

Anonymous said...

Yoke Oner. She screeches. That ain't moozik. It jist noise!

Anonymous said...

Building these conical cylinders out of wood. They spin fast like buddhist tibetan prayer wheels. Inside I place voodoo type realistic EFFIGY DOLLS of all the MAIL ART PEOPLE who irk me. Spinning them each day sends out NEGATIVE KARMA to them. Health, Fortune, Love, Suffering. All are made into a PATE' of sadness. The person withers. Yes. This is good. For THE DEVIL is the most reverent of all gods. Satan LUCIFER is the LOVE! He is worthy of adoration. Everything else is SPOCK EARS! The PREY POOSE trimmed schmuck is but a PORK RIND! Enjoy the chicarrone. It tastes of FUNNEL CAKE! BARK OH DOGS! HOWL! For the lather is soap. BATHE! SHAVE! HOWELL! THURSTON HOWELL III!


Anonymous said...

Listen to



Anonymous said...

No. YANKEES are loud. Watch the TV show ALL IN THE FAMILY. Proof. Norman Mailer king of the liberals don't lie. Right?

Anonymous said...

truly sublime

Anonymous said...

The Coasters. The song.


Anonymous said...

all the mail art people who suck up to yoko only do so because she is famous. They are not to be trusted. Imagine the Beatles without yoko there at the end. Cynthia and Julian. Yoko got all John's loot too. Why would anyone respect anything about that. Certainly no one would mention her name had she not bagged john lennon. Cynthia and Julians lives were ruined. And The Beatles may have continued. Sure would not have ended like it did. And another thing. All those who name check and suck up to yoko. She never sees any of you as equal to her. She laughs from her ivory tower. So name check and applaud her. Maybe she'll send you an autographed picture. KNOWING her means you are a REAL ARTIST JUST LIKE HER. at least that is what you think. and want people to believe. call yoko by her name OLD SCREECH.

Anonymous said...

BOO. HECKLE yoko in public. SHE DESTROYED THE BEATLES. Protest her.

Anonymous said...


How can we explore and apply TERRANCE MCKENNAS works if everyone is worshipping the home wrecker yoko. She also destroyed The Beatles.

Quit worshiping yoko.

Anonymous said...

Poor Cynthia and Julian.
Destroyed The Beatles.
One word.


Anonymous said...


Poor Cynthia and Julian.

Broke up THE BEATLES too.

Anonymous said...

CYNTHIA LENNON is a fine and beautiful LADY.

Anonymous said...

yoko ono. the rat from hell.

Anonymous said...

Cynthia's dad. Ringo. Paul. George. They should have beat john's ass.

Maybe if john had an ass whopping around 1966 he would have straightened up and not been such an asshole.

Anonymous said...

IMAGINE The Beatles if john never met yoko.

IMAGINE Cynthia and Julian's life had john not met yoko.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't like ONO and don't like BONO.

Anonymous said...

Any image of FRIDA KAHLO that I find I deface. It is a new form of art. A hobby. Alter and deface any form of Frida Kahlo image. Just a thumb tack pushed through the pupils of the Frida Kahlo eyes in a magazine or book image is a great creation. Frida Kahlo becomes the art by being DEFACED.

Anonymous said...

The best human is the anti human.

The best artist is the anti artist.

Anonymous said...

Ross. I found a first edition of William Burroughs NAKED LUNCH with paper book jacket in mint condition for fifty cents at a thrift store. I took it home and burned it on the patio grill.

Anonymous said...

Ross. I locate RARE one of a kind cultural artifacts in thrift stores and flea markets/yard sales. I buy them. Then put them on the patio grill.

Anonymous said...

If I ever find a rare Abraham Lincoln photo or letter. It goes on the patio grill.

Anonymous said...

If I find a rare mint condition bob dylan album. I'll buy it. Then use a wood burner to gouge the grooves on each song. Then I'll donate the album back to the thrift store. Album cover photo of Bob defaced with black eyes, devil horns and moustache.

Anonymous said...

If I find a rare Kennedy Letter I'll soak it in a photo chemical tray containing my urine and diarreah juice. Then dripped dry afterward I'll donate it back to a thrift store.

Anonymous said...

All things HOLY should be mocked. That includes ALL HOLY things of the liberal.

Anonymous said...

LIBERAL is not good either.

Anonymous said...

LIBERAL can be far eviler. Just like CONSERVATIVE can be far eviler.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

SOUTHERNERS are viewed as stupid because incompetent Lee surrendered.
The South should have fought to the last man woman and child.

Anonymous said...

Go to KOLLIDGE so you can get a GOOD JAWB!

Anonymous said...

THE GOVERNMENT sees YOU as a CONSUMER. The Government sees itself as THE HIGHEST AUTHORITY. It does whatever it wants to keep its TOTAL POWER. So HUSH UP NOW!

Anonymous said...

The united states government is TYRANNY.

Anonymous said...


Buy a small grill. Put a water hose near it. Have it set up in your back yard. Collect sticks and twigs. Bits of wood. Learn to build tight small smoke less fires. On nice days take apart personal belongings. Cut them up. Bash them to bits. Put them in a box. From the box put the parts on the fire. A few every time. Any valuable metal that forms in the bottom gather it later. Chunk it in the sea or somewhere no one can retrieve it. The idea is to remove and make valueless anything you own. The fewer things you own. The more free you are. Try to own nothing. Each month use up all your money on food. Each month try to be broke. If everyone lives like this the world shall be better. Support birth control and sterilization. Say NO to CONFORMITY. Submit and Obey is out. SAY NO!

Anonymous said...

In the prime minister's own words: "For too long, [Britain has] been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone. It's often meant we have stood neutral between different values. And that's helped foster a narrative of extremism and grievance."

Anonymous said...

Don’s enlightenment may indeed lead to one of the most famous ads of all time, but its corn-syrupy utopia very nearly plays like a dystopic anthem.

Anonymous said...

This car is not street legal. It has no brake lights. No tag and no insure-nse. It burns oil. DO NOT BUY THIS CAR!

Anonymous said...

Veiny Dick Cheiney

Anonymous said...

I saw a billboard with this message. Maybe we should all substitute prayer for vaccines. And forget farming -- you can just pray for enough food to feed 7 billion people. After all, Jesus multiplied the loaves, and all things are possible through faith.

Anonymous said...

I know this is a Longshot, I attended a movie at the Tandy 10 in July of 2014. Little did I know at the time this would be my first date with the love of my life. An older black gentlemen was attending as well. He had a loud, gregarious, and unmistakable luagh. We were watching "Truman Bentley Jr's Cooking Show". The movie was only half entertaining but my date and I were captivated by this mans luagh. The employees commented later that he was a regular. I hope to find this gentleman and include him in a surprise marriage proposal.

Once again, if anyone in the North Little Rock area has a family member they think fits this gentlemen's discreption, I beg that you question him about seeing that movie at that time. I will be eternally grateful to anyone that can help. Thanks in advance!

Anonymous said...

LISTEN TO THIS MAN! That is why ya'll caint pass algebra class in community kollidge!

Anonymous said...

Ross Priddle is a dangerous little snot rag.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hillary got low breeding THICK ASS ANKLES.

Anonymous said...

Hillary look like something A WHALE COUGHED UP.

Anonymous said...

The creation of RT was a part of a larger public relations effort by the Russian government that was intended to improve the image of Russia abroad. RT was conceived by former media minister Mikhail Lesin, and Russian president Vladimir Putin's press spokesperson Aleksei Gromov. At the time of RT's founding, RIA Novosti director Svetlana Mironyuk stated: "Unfortunately, at the level of mass consciousness in the West, Russia is associated with three words: communism, snow and poverty," and added "we would like to present a more complete picture of life in our country." It is registered as an autonomous nonprofit organization funded by the federal budget of Russia through the Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

Anonymous said...

Keiser founded the hedge fund Karmabanque, which sought to profit from any decline in equity value of companies that are susceptible to boycott from environmental groups. The hedge fund's progress was followed monthly in The Ecologist magazine. Its targets included Coca-Cola and McDonald's.

The Karmabanque hedge fund project was designed to simultaneously short-sell companies while funneling profits into environmental and ethical-business pressure groups that further act to drive down the companies' stock prices. Describing the project, Keiser stated, "The Internet allows people, activists, from all over the world to gather, or swarm, and hit a company where it hurts most—in their stock price."

The Guardian newspaper described Keiser's Karmabanque hedge fund as a "fantastical scheme" and accused him of trying to exist "beyond the normal forces and controls of society". A spokesman for Ryanair said, "Since they put Ryanair on their list, our share price has gone up by 10 percent. We are always delighted to be part of a list which includes Coca-Cola, Starbucks, and Wal-Mart."

Anonymous said...

Uglier than Sissy Spacek. Uglier than Amy Carter. Hillary's daughter looks like the TEETH ALIEN creature in the film ALIEN. So very ugly.

Anonymous said...


Love your dick.

Talk to your dick.

But don't insult your dick by naming it FLUXUS.

Anonymous said...

If you gone wear uh beard Ross Priddle that mean you gots to build you uh ICE FISHING HUT. All winter you gots to ketch fish and smoke uh pipetuh.

Anonymous said...


Nobody likes mail art. It is stale. It is over. So any mail art I get I now throw it in the trash can with the other junk mail. BURGER FINK! Get a job application. WORK PEOPLE! Stop all this mail art lameness. It is STALE! Get a job at the TOENAIL SALON sanding bunions. Use it for your momma's coffee creamer! SALTY!

Anonymous said...

Hilary lusts after Richard Bruce Cheney, she WAHNTS a real man!

Anonymous said...

In Republican/Tea Party political theory, "Job Creators" are wealthy because they are industrious, virtuous, hard working people and can use their vast wealth to create jobs by hiring people to work for them. The idea that this euphemism is trying to convey is that taxing these people would hurt the economy because then their money would be going to the government (which is always evil in this political ideology) which will only waste tax money on things like social services.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, I liked Gooligan's Island, but I don't believe it was thought of as anything but comic fluff in its time. It did poke gentle fun at communism, dictatorships, elitism etc. My favorite Howell line was when they were trying to teach the caveman table etiquette and he buried his face into one of Mary Anne's coconut cream pies. Thurston remarked: "Egaaaad, A Yale Man" !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Truman Bentley Jr's Goon-Be-Gone Miracle Melange

Anonymous said...

A Domestic Discipline (DD) marriage is one in which one partner is given authority over the other, and has the means to back up that authority, usually by spanking. The application and practice of DD in each marriage is as unique as the individuals who make up that marriage. There is no "One Ring of Power" in the Domestic Discipline world, to which all DD couples must bow; no singular path to "true DD enlightenment". What works well for one DD couple may not be a good fit for another marriage. Therefore, you may see many different suggestions espoused on this site and elsewhere.

A Christian Domestic Discipline (CDD) marriage is simply a traditional, male-led, Christian marriage which utilizes aspects of Domestic Discipline. It is set up according to Biblical standards.

Therefore, in a CDD marriage:

The husband is the head of the household, whilst the wife is submissive to her husband as if the Lord Himself was her husband. See Eph. 5:22-24.
The husband is to love his wife as himself, and as Christ loved the church. He is to be a servant, and leads by example. He is to lay down his life for her. See Eph. 5:25-29.
The wife is to reverence her husband. She is to obey him, so long as his instructions are not in opposition to God's commands. See Titus 2:5, Acts 5:29.
He has the ultimate authority in his household, but this authority is tempered with the knowledge that he will answer to God for his actions and decisions. The final decision rests with him, and therefore, the final responsibility, whatever the outcome, is his to bear. A wise husband will not make a major decision without prayerfully asking God for wisdom, and without seeking his wife's counsel. Prov. 20:5

Anonymous said...

Only a loser needs "social services", Real Americans only love a Wiiner!

Anonymous said...

Cheney's a winner, are you?

Anonymous said...

Clozapine, Clozaril, FazaClo, Versacloz = L O S E R

Anonymous said...

Richard Bruce Cheney is the drug of choice in the management of psychotic disorders including schizophrenia. Because of concern for the side effect of agranulocytosis, Cheney should be reserved for patients who have failed to respond to other standard medications or who are at risk for recurring suicidal behavior.

Anonymous said...

In creating psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst, Richard Bruce Cheney developed therapeutic techniques such as the use of free association and discovered transference, establishing its central role in the analytic process. Richard Bruce Cheney's redefinition of sexuality to include its infantile forms led him to formulate the Oedipus complex as the central tenet of psychoanalytical theory. Richard Bruce Cheney's analysis of dreams as wish-fulfillments provided him with models for the clinical analysis of symptom formation and the mechanisms of repression as well as for elaboration of his theory of the unconscious as an agency disruptive of conscious states of mind. Richard Bruce Cheney postulated the existence of libido, an energy with which mental processes and structures are invested and which generates erotic attachments, and a death drive, the source of repetition, hate, and the American south.

Anonymous said...

Richard Bruce Cheney is a real man, no Clozapine for him!

Anonymous said...

Mail Art is no Richard Bruce Cheney, it's Clozapine Art for LOSERS!!

Anonymous said...

Mail Art? Kurt Schwitters is rolling in his grave!

Anonymous said...

ZAP your wee brain!

Anonymous said...

I am alone. I don't have anyone to compete with.

Anonymous said...

Do you feel like you are drowning in negative energy? You might be an Empath taking on negative energy that does not belong to you. This can even manifest as physical pain. Just ask "is this negative energy mine?" If it is not yours it will stop immediately and be sent away.

Anonymous said...

Fox did a fair and balanced analysis, with analysts who concluded that special gay marriage rights are bad for societies, leading to fewer normal marriages, more single parent families and all of the societal problems that go along with the destruction of traditional nuclear family structures.

Anonymous said...

to line up five or more women by either height or pitch of their voice, and proceed to bend them over and have the most amazing Xylophone Sex ever. (if done right they all will make a different sound during the Xylophone Sex)

Anonymous said...

On a September 2007 edition of The Radio Factor, while having a discussion about race with fellow Fox News commentator and author Juan Williams about a meal he shared with Al Sharpton, O'Reilly said "You know when Sharpton and I walked in, it was like... big commotion and everything. But everybody was very nice. And I couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean, it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks, primarily black patronship." He commented that no one in Sylvia's was "screaming 'M'Fer, I want more iced tea.'" He further added, "I think that black Americans are starting to think more and more for themselves, getting away from the Sharptons and the Jacksons and people trying to lead them into a race-based culture. They're just trying to figure it out. 'Look, I can make it. If I work hard and get educated, I can make it.'" The statement drew criticism from a number of places. Roland S. Martin of CNN said that the notion that black people are just now starting to value education is "ridiculous" and that the notion that black people let Sharpton or Jackson think for them is "nuts". Media Matters for America covered the story on a number of occasions. O'Reilly responded, saying, "It was an attempt to tell the radio audience that there is no difference—black, white, we're all Americans. The stereotypes they see on television are not true" and also called out Media Matters, claiming that "Media Matters distorted the entire conversation and implied I was racist for condemning racism." Juan Williams said the criticism of O'Reilly was "rank dishonesty" and that the original comments "had nothing to do with racist ranting by anybody except by these idiots at CNN." Williams went on to say it was "frustrating" that the media try to criticize anyone who wanted to have an honest discussion about race.

Anonymous said...

In the United States, the Bank Secrecy Act requires the filing of a currency transaction report (CTR) for transactions of more than $10,000 in currency (US or foreign). Financial institutions suspecting deposit structuring with intent to avoid the law are required to file a suspicious activity report.

Anonymous said...

When I ask Australians why they subject themselves to the news, they overwhelmingly state the importance of being informed. They like to keep tabs on politicians, keep abreast of the ups and downs in the economy, learn more about far-flung places like Venezuela. To many, to not read the news is akin to living with your head buried in the sand. News provides discussion topics, and these shared stories are used to form connections with others, to add spice and drama to one’s life. At cafes, particularly, the consumption of news is a way of interacting: a man is riled up over the political pages as though engaged directly in the political arena; two women bemoan a tragic event, acting out their sympathy in conversation. News consumption enables people to feel politically engaged or socially minded without having to do anything, other than read.

Anonymous said...

Listen, Little Man! Is a human and not a scientific document. It was written in the summer of 1945 for the Archives of the Orgone Institute without the intention of publishing it. It was the result of the inner storms and conflicts of a natural scientist and physician who watched, over decade first naively, then with amazement and finally with horror, what the Little Man in the street does to himself; how he suffers and rebels, how he esteems his enemies and murders his friends; how, wherever he gains power as a ‘representative of the – people’ he misuses this power and makes it into something more cruel than the power which previously he had to suffer at the hands of individual sadists of the upper classes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We are a wonderful family of people who really love Godd and are striving in our every day lives to be closer to Him. We enjoy getting together for games, potlucks, coffee, camping, etc. We are not a dating site. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please come check us out. :)

Anonymous said...

My wood be knotty and hard with splinters!

Anonymous said...

White people love to say "Don't focus on race".

Anonymous said...

Put gel in your hair and smooth up a WHISP like ED GRIMLEY.

Anonymous said...

Mondays are a point of contention to some. To others, Mondays offer a fresh perspective to starting the week. Whatever the case, we spend exactly one seventh of our lives experiencing a Monday. While Mondays, although capitulated into songs and work related social media memes, the mere anticipation of an impending Monday adversely affects the attitudes of some folks. By outward appearance this is pretty normal with most everyone. It is important to be prepared appropriately when encountering others who are experiencing a "Monday" on the same day. How we esteem ourselves is key to having a good Monday and all the other days to come after the said Monday. When you look in the mirror, does the person looking back smile at you? Your answer is important, because who wants a week full of Mondays?

Anonymous said...

Don't focus on RACE. content of CHARACTER. Ray Rabbits aren't one color.

Anonymous said...

If you paid twenty five cents for a piece of bubble gum during school. This is why your teeth are rotten today. Using your parents hard earned money to buy gum in school. Eating candy in class. That is one reason you never passed algebra class in community college.

Anonymous said...

All these mail art people are choad lame-o's. I love, LLLLLOVE to see postings whenever any mail art person has a personal tragedy or a passing. Why? BECAUSE I AM A MISANTHROPE MOTHER FUCKERS! Dog crap on a freshly cut lawn is better art than all mail art peoples' entire lllllives and work.

Anonymous said...

Laughing at the folly of so called mankind. Humans are just Leakey LUCYS. Smelly skunk apes. All men. All nations. FUNK MONKEYS. The Space Aliens need to harvest earth aboard the Space Ships. Take people to the cat food factory on VENUS. Create Human Caviar Cat Food.

Anonymous said...

Mail art is lame and stupid.

Anonymous said...

Ross. Sometime in Aug. I might dig out old mountain climbing photos of me from 1980. I'll send you copies.

Anonymous said...

All ya'll mail artists. Ya'll smokin' rocks.