Truman, check out Terence McKenna's True Hallucinations:
This is from the library card catalog thing:
1. Hallucinations and illusions--Miscellanea.
2. Psilocybe cubensis--Psychic aspects.
3. Psilocybin.
4. McKenna, Terence K.--Journeys.
5. La Chorrera (Amazonas, Columbia)--Description.
6. Unidentified flying objects.
7. Shamanism.
Just drove back from Venice Beach California to Georgia. It took three days of driving. Filmed lots of Goon clips and UFOS. Update as I can. Gotta unpack. Rest a bit.
They can GUAGE/GAUGE their ears. But they can't GUAGE/GAUGE that Algebra class in COMMUNITY COLLEGE. Nothing original. Nothing created by SELF. Just COPY CAT LEMMINGS. Ross. put on an album by MARTIN DENNY. Clear the NUMBING NOW CULTURE NAUSEUM with the sounds of MARTIN DENNY.
Filmed every pile of vomit, excrement and trash on the side walks of LA, Venice Beach and Santa Monica. NO! Not the people Ross. But the real items. I refused to film people to glorify their narciscissm, narci-sissism, narsicism, Spell things incorrect. Words are all equal. There is no such thing as a perfect person. Or a Perfect word. Promote word EQUALITY. In Californication I filmed much which is real and nauseum. FUCK FLUXUS! Flux Fucks are all cock suckers! Full of shit. SHIT full of SHIT.
I bet she can't pierce that ALGEBRA BOOK IN COMMUNITY COLLEGE!
July 4 I was in La. Venice Beach on a roof top filming the fire works. UFOs appeared. I filmed about two hours of UFO activity with my Sony 8mm camera. Pretty good footage. Others that night saw it all too. They recorded with cell phones. From the same area. Some people have posted theirs on YOU TUBE. Go to You Tube. Look for July 4 2015 UFO sightings. Actually Google that and it shall take you to it. All this last year I have filmed various UFOs. Also. I programmed the shortest distance from Columbus Ga. to Phoenix Arizona on my VW Passat's GPS map. On the way it took me to a parking space right in front of the UFO Museum in Roswell New Mexico. Filmed the place too. I think it is funny and quite odd. Filming UFOs all year. Then I go on a road trip and get taken to the UFO Museum in Roswell by the GPS.
Ross. You should go back to TEACHING HIGH SCHOOL again.
Carve on yourself Ross. To make you look more pleasing to the liberal minds.
Google JULY 4 2015 Los Angeles UFO sightings.
HURRY! Put a gauge disc in your ear! FAST! DO IT! Grow a ITCH BEARD! Discuss the WHYS and WHEREFORES of the modern HAVE and HAVE NOTS world! SPEAK WITH THE AUTHORITY OF THE EAR DISC PIERCING POWER! It has MEANING! Place TAHTOOLS at certain spots on your body for MEANING! Be wise-shaman and so INTENSE. BE OF MEANING! BE OF KNOW! Yes. Yes. Be of the SAGE CLEANSING SWATCH. Be of PURIFICATION. Be of THE LIBERAL BRAIN HONE. Refine. HONE your brain to the LIBERAL THINK WAYS. Yes. Yes.
But. Ssssh! Can't say why YOU can't pass that Algebra class in Community kollidge!
To be a REAL FEMINIST MAN. I have decided to trim down the size of my male WEINER. So it won't be so intimidating. All men need to LOSE THE POWER TRIP and comply to the INNER FEMINIST DEMAND. Trim down your weiner if it is too intimidating. A thin noodle is so much more HEALTHY and WEIGHT CONSCIOUS LOOKING. It really should reflect the INNER CORE CLITORAL which is what a weiner truly is in reality.
The only GOOD MAN is the man who has removed his penis.
Ross. There is no poem as pretty as a rock. To be REAL. To be LIBERAL. Masticate your penis on a smooth rock. Give it a SKY BURIAL and film the crows as they fly down to eat its remains. Then you can be COMPLETE and A REAL LIBERAL.
After a few days of wearing the earring discs they should be removed in front of a PERFUME EXPERT. So a perfume could be designed based on the smell. It should be sold world wide. Call the perfume ESSENCE OF LIBERAL.
After several days of wear the earring discs smell of WONDERFUL! So attractive. Everyone should wear the PRUH-FROOM EAR RINGS MAKE. Embrace the lovely schmell people! The natch-yuhl schweat of ear funk is PURE AROMA! Embrace the non deodorant life style! EMBRACE THE FUNK!
If one thing don't kill you something else will, so don't worry about it. For the people worried about the BIG ONE (mega shaken earthquake) you can prepare or move to another area like tornado alley Oklahoma or sink holes Florida. Do remember this one your time is up your time is up, so make the most of each as it very well may be your last.
The book of Revelations states the living will envy the dead*1, so their are a things I don't know if I want to survive in anyhow. Revelation 9:6,
A translation: *1"In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them."
Bible is mumbo jumbo. All religion is. Crazy people advance it. The bible is as cool as a BEATNIK CIGARETTE HOLDER.
I dare you to take that ring out of that ear and sniff it. Then suckle it in your mouth for an hour.
Put some TZ GLITTER on!
This woman should RELEASE THE TRANSGENDER and become a MAN!
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