Artist's Trading Card by
Rita J. McNamara
Clicking Word Post
1361 N. 41 1/2 Road
Manton, MI
Why is it some of the best mailarts & small press publishers are almost completely offline? Case in point Rita J. McNamara!
Other case in point, & this one not a mailartist but a micropress publisher: jwcurry!
just got a new crop of "One Cents" from jw: numbers 389 to 393, these are small poetry publications all done by hand with rubberstamps & (believe it or not) a hand-cranked mimeograph machine! some of them on recycled paper: ie. #392 "Three Steps to the Software You Need at the Prices You Want" by Rob Read (which has the flavour of one of Rob's "Daily Treated Spams") is printed on the back of a Flyer Force "Carriers Wanted" flyer!
here's the rest of the lineup:
#389: "A Little Nastiness" by The Four Horsemen (edition of 100)
#390: (Recorded)Graffiti by P.cob & prose poems by Anita Dolman, Sandra Ridley & Hans Jewinski (printed on cards in an envelope) (ed. of 108)
#391: "Calling The Vegetable Collected" a sound poem for four voices by jwcurry (ed. 100)
#392: Rob Read [see above] ed. 115
#393: "Moot Panic Her First Blush" by Michael Tencer (ed. 105)
And perhaps the most remarkable thing is that these little wonders are priced at 1 cent each!
write jwcurry at:
Room 302 Books
#302-880 Somerset W.
Ottawa, Ontario
K1R 6R7
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