Petunia June McPherson PO Box 2632 Bellingham, WA 98227 USA
Victoria Koldewyn (Eugene, OR)
from Letterfounder #78, which also includes work by: Jessy Kendall, Reed Altemus, Tim Gaze/Carol Stetser, Zachary Hamilton, Charlotte 'Joko' Beck, Will Bevan & Asp.
Jessy Kendall Answer Shirker Press PO Box 392 Lewiston, Maine 04243 USA
Mark Greenfield PO Box 409 Newcastle, Staffs, ST5 8ZG ENGLAND
dave kennedy 66 Prospect Hill Rd. Noank, CT 06340 USA
Keith Buchholz from Middle West (Tonerworks 2010) 20 pp.
available from:
Reed Altemus P.O. Box 52 Portland, ME 04112 USA
Guido Bondioli 708 E. Pepper Pl. Mesa, AZ 85203 USA
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
addnpass from Dan Buck, Massimo Medola, Moreno Menarin, Vittore Baroni, Bruno Capatti, Thompson, Guido Bondioli, Star Dancer, Elke Grundmann & last but not least:
Keith Buchholz 4615 Oregon Ave. St. Louis, MO 63111 USA
[thanks to Truman Bentley Jr. aka FLUXUS GEORGIA!]
Victor M. Da Silva, Jr. 5 Willow St. North Dartmouth, MA 02747-4131 USA
"He ain't heavy, Father... he's m'brother!"
Truman Bentley Jr. 3219 Carden Dr. Columbus, GA 31907-2143 USA
Thursday, January 06, 2011
John M. Bennett & Musicmaster (from BENZENE) Lots of new treats from JMB: full colour "FLUXPOEMS" by STEINMAN, full colour collabs with Sheila E. Murphy, even some Al Ackerman!
John M. Bennett 137 Leland Ave. Columbus, OHIO 43214 USA