Saturday, May 21, 2011

E.J. Barnes & Al Ackerman - Tales of the Ling Master



Anonymous said...

The fad is for guys to buy a big truck and hang big fake cow balls from the trailer hitch. Why would any man want big balls swinging behind him as he sits driving down the road. Why don't they hang a big COOCH from their trailer hitch. To them it is embarassing and would be SICK, but not the bull balls. Now. What kind of male mind conceives of writing a book called THE LING MASTER. What man wants to MASTER or look at a ling. Something is wrong Ross. Certainly Ross you don't consider yourself a LING MASTER. Do you? Answer bbbboy!

Anonymous said...

Short for Zergling, usually used in the phrase "ling rush" which is an early attack with Zerglings in a game of starcraft. What is a ling? And yes, I've heard this bull balls argument one too many times.

Anonymous said...

The man said "LING RUSH". Nothing more needs to be said.

Anonymous said...

You for forgot. He also said he has heard the BULL'S BALLS, "ONE TIME TOO MANY."

To quote Oliver Norvelle Hardy


Anonymous said...

He knows about an EARLY ATTACK with ZERGLINGS!, and
he is familar with ZERGLING GAMES! Not just anyone is familiar with ZERGLING. Good-God-Uh-Mighty! All this Ling Zergling. And to think, nobody even knew it was going on.