Thursday, September 18, 2014

Truman Bentley Jr.
3219 Carden Drive
Columbus, GA


Anonymous said...

Mais Sharona est trés belle. Sartre a eu trés laid.

Anonymous said...

che guevara war tres-drei laid von et cercle et carre', Daura. for the bethune of maya angelou is mayan apocalypse.

Anonymous said...

the knack director also made a hard day's night richard lester.

Anonymous said...

Che Cuervo has drunk tequila from the chalice of Pope Richard Bruce Cheney a/k/a "the Champ"! The greatest of all time and space, lost and found, the alpha dog and the omega man. Take your stinkin' paws of me you damn dirty ape!

Anonymous said...

Maya Angelou, Inca Dinka Doo, Jimmy Durante the Ayatollah of Schnozzola. Just beat it, just beat it.