Saturday, March 28, 2015

He's not heavy Father, he's my brother.

True fact.


Anonymous said...

This is why GOD put jim croce in that VW RABBIT.

Anonymous said...

heavy is similar to the recent dialogue on a zadnik you tube clip. where he discusses nikolas schreck's interview with charles man son. where charles constantly uses the phrase YOU DIG. heavy is like YOU DIG. similar to jeremiah was a bull frog back of the comic book peace finger sew on patches and don mclean american pie skyrockets in flight afternoon delight 1970's EST know it all geo dome amx pacer denim upholstery plaid TR7 bucket seats. Be careful with LINGO for it can evoke INNER STALE and INNER LAME.

Anonymous said...

In the world. In the NOW. There is only SELF. And SELF is your only LOVER.

Anonymous said...

Father. Brother.

I do not care about the cavities on lions or alligators teeth.

Nor the contents of tears.

Truman has no empathy for others.

Because he cares not for others.


Not Laura Engels.

Anonymous said...

nOW THE WORDS of Christ are in red. Because I, King James, defeated him. You may now bow down and worship me; ALL. Anno Domini. Motherfuckers. Paul אתᐂᐂᐃᐃᐍᐍᐛᐛᐚᐚᐖᐖᐈᐈᐉᐉᐑᑒᓴᐵᐄᐓᐓᐜᙨᘀᗵᗪᖰᖰᖱᖳᖲᖯᖮᖴᖷᖶᖵᏮᏮᏮᏭᏭᏭ

Anonymous said...

Nellie was a brat.

Anonymous said...

paul was the effeminate beatle.

Anonymous said...

A choad is a penis that is disproportionately wide in comparison to its length, and looks something like a can of tuna. The name originates from Spain. Also known to the French as 'Le Penis avec largeur horrifiant' or Penis of horrifying width.

Quote from the first recorded choad bearer 1679, William LaChoade: "I wish I didn't have this penis that is so disproportionately wide in comparison to its length, Harry"

Girl who opens a zipper only to find a choad concealed within its denim confines, 'Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!!'

Anonymous said...

but alas. Only a choad can plug the DYKE of a WELL whale hole of a well traveled ho.

Anonymous said...

for only the long pryeenyus can blast the depths of a hoodge CFW(Chris Farley Woman).

Anonymous said...

Shooting through the clouds, landing on the frozen moon filled with dragons and tunnels. Iota. When I glance at the side of the cliff face, I dance and twirl. Don't forget about me here. This psychic moment shall be indellibly etched upon your hearts and minds the words that you would have spoken. That my tongue would become the pen of a ready writer, that I might scketch upon the hearts and minds of these your people your anointed word, thus removing their burdens and smashing their yokes forever as we boldly declare that Satan is defeated and Jesus Christ is Lord, forever. Amen amen you may be seeded.

Anonymous said...

Jesus is the nicknamed of BRAZIL NUTS. Not to be confused with CAMEL TOES.

Anonymous said...

SATAN is ruler of this world. That is why yo momma is coming ov-uh to get a poopity pate' emoilence facial.

Anonymous said...

This area of the galaxy was once ruled by an alien warlord named Xenu. 65 million years ago his empire was overpopulated horribly, so to combat the overpopulation he had trillions of citizens called in for psychiatric evaluations and tax audits, where they were given paralytic drugs, loaded onto space planes, and flown to Planet Teegeeack. Once on this planet, their bodies were stacked in huge piles around volcanoes, while atom bombs were dropped into these volcanoes, instantly killing trillions of galactic citizens.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality answers, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site.

Anonymous said...

What is the nick name for BRAZIL NUTS?

Anonymous said...

What was the question. And why ask it anyway.

Anonymous said...

The question was: "Why don't you use question marks on your questions? Don't you care about punctuation? Jeezus McBeezus!!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Haute Mail Art wash ups. They especially are the roids. Beat up. Dingy looking. So what. MENSA. You are kidding. George Bush, the "C" student ruled the world. Most of the highest MENSA DRONES still live at home in the basement. MENSA IS TRIVIAL PURSUIT. Might as well be called RAIN MEN. Same thing. PEOPLE OF NO CONSEQUENCE. Nothings. Especially all the fucked up jackasses who go around in OLIVER HARDY HATS doing bullshit performances that is not art and is LAME and SHIT. They should call their flux events LAME ASS SHIT EVENTS. Then it would be good.

Anonymous said...

Bugliosi does not own a computer and at one time did all his research through library microfilm archives. More recently, he has relied on his virtual secretary, Consuela Newton, to help with these tasks. He also writes his books entirely by hand; Newton later transcribes his long-hand texts.

Anonymous said...

Don't YOU be dissing THE BUG. He wrote a recent book about JURDGE BURSCH that should be in Nick Johnson's library soon. THE BUG is smoothe and koouhl. Long lasting. Just like his friend CHARLES. They no roob scoobs. YOU DIG. The question mark looks only good on the hentai of THE RIDDLER on the Adam West TV series.

Anonymous said...

Women. Women. yeah. right. women. pfffew.

Anonymous said...

The Bug is totally awesome. He is my hero.

Anonymous said...

Made eye contact numerous times. We were in leather and playing keno. He has tattoo's and she was blond with boots made for dancing. Wish we would have introduced ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I was at McDonald's restaurant near the bike trail. A woman was being assisted after falling off her bike. It looked as if both fore arms on impact after falling were severally broken. I went inside the restaurant laughing and feasted. Then was sad. Because I realized another woman with a free excuse not to work. Too bad she was injured. She might of had to clock in at a miserable job the next day. Oh well. At least she was in AGONIZING PAIN. Maybe she'll have to have many surgeries requiring pins and bolts creating years of aches and pains.

Anonymous said...

//cmd.fnc -""צץ""- ecn.cde ::|115AB6|:: ADMIN clnc.lvl:BLUE [Enter This code now. * #null.cmd"The or why?"# {קק}/β6 James] (Αα1i) 'Jesus H Christ' >README/eYesOnLy-EXECUTEordersASfollows::''BRINGmeTHEpapersANDthePENS&the%PAUL,programONE.RED Enter that code now.::Mary.::'' QVoyagerQ (TW0דרהמ)>//

Anonymous said...

Facial hair that does not exist on the face, but instead on the neck. Almost never well groomed.

Anonymous said...

Last week I was sitting off to the side with my girl at McDonald's in the morning and she pointed under the table. Next thing you know, I'm down there eating a Bacon McMuffin.

Anonymous said...

When you are doing a girl from behind and when she's not looking put on a Hillary Clinton mask after you finish wait for her to turn around give her a good scare. Works sixty percent of the time every time.

Anonymous said...

Raiford on the jonboybillyshowradio said a sign of poor breeding is thick ankles and calves. He points out HILLARY as an example. She is a very UGLY thang.

Anonymous said...

Chelsea Cliffert Hillery daughter has TEETH FACE like the scary movie ALIEN character. All those corny rotten elenoer roosevelt teeth clusters of HONE HONE HONE.

Anonymous said...

Little scootched up mexican artist women of noise. Now that is a tamborine nonsense of bjork wannabe.

Anonymous said...

Drink Mexikern beer.