You might be able to get back to teaching high school....!
The big question is the long term question of psychosis. And. Do these THINGS work like antibiotics. Permanently there. But their nature being, triggering audio, visual, sensory DECEPTIONS. Example. You played a sport. Got exhausted. Caught a cold. Got a fever. Wham a TRIP is triggered. Then you take off a building. A Ray bridge leap. Or you eat some new food. Then you are on a public transport and TRIP OUT. Psychologically GOOD TRIPS and BAD TRIPS are like moods. Depression can be triggered by lots of things. Also NEW THINKING does not fly too well in a TECHNOLOGICAL INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY. Mushroom hat priests in the old times kept the lid on trips. Secret. Check out Jordan Maxwell on drugs. But PTSD also is caused by the difficulty to obtain THE THNEEDS. The thing is. Can one maneuver in SELF. Who is that big black guy, with the hammer trying to lay spikes against a steam engine. If you can't peddle fast enough how can you make the money required. Money is the root of all MOOD. If you have money can you deal with. If you haven't money can you deal with it. If you get money can you deal with it. 24-7-365 you are dealing with SELF. Are YOU really YOU? Or are you just the current version of YOU. And the real question is, does THE REAL YOU actually control THE YOU? So various dopes added in there may just be too much in the MULLIGAN STEW. If RAY JOHNSON CAME BACK. Would the mail art disciples be happy or angry their savior had returned?
Ross. You should cross country ski short distances each day. Gauge how far to go in a circle or a straight line and back. Until you are starting to get sweaty and tired. Then take a shower. Then paint or create other art. It keeps the brain flowing with good ideas and youthful energy. Plus it keeps you HOWELL.
If RAY JOHNSON CAME BACK. Would the mail art disciples be happy or angry their savior had returned?
What good are flesh and blood saviours? All the best ones (Lenin, Jesus, Mao, Warhol, Kennedy, Mohamed, Marx, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, etc.) are deader than The One True Truman's empathy! When they're dead you can project your own values, wishes, etc., onto them since them are now not here to argue. A dead saviour is a "followed" saviour. Amen.
Глава синодального Отдела по взаимоотношениям Церкви и общества протоиерей Всеволод Чаплин считает опрометчивыми попытки Запада отодвинуть Россию на Восток.
"Нам постоянно говорят: "Вы должны измениться, у вас все неправильно: принципы неправильные, вера неправильная, политическое устройство неправильное, природа неправильная, в конце концов. Откуда такая экспансионистская тенденция?" - заявил священник в эфире программы "Вечность и время" на телеканале "Спас".
Он призвал задуматься над тем, "что будут делать с той территорией и с тем культурным пространством, которое останется после нашего ухода дальше к Востоку".
"Ведь западноевропейские страны вряд ли могут его освоить - не демографически даже, а культурно и политически. Зачем нас отодвигать?" - задал вопрос представитель Церкви.
При этом он указал на то, что еще во время Венского конгресса при Александре I и во время мирных инициатив Николая II Россия не претендовала на то, чтобы изменить западную политическую систему, "а, наоборот, стремилась дать западноевропейским государствам максимальную свободу".
Russian scribble scrabble. The Cryllic alphabet is an archaic writing system. Similar the hillbilly scrawl of DOKTOR GRANNY on the TV show THE BEVERLY HILLBILLIES.
What good are flesh and blood saviors? Invisible spooks. Fantasy lunacy of religion loserdom is the crazy. Religion is CRAZY. The healthy LIFE is sane. And. What about reincarnation. It makes just as much sense. But still it is crazy. REPENT PEOPLE! Live NOW! Life is of the LIVING! Not religious lie torment fear.
Wow, thank you captain Science.... or should I venture that you are a Psy degree....?
Perhaps Philosophy major...?
No, my best EDUCATED (yes, I actually HAVE a degree) guess is.... you are talking, or rather, typing out of your ass.
But thank you very much for your contribution to the cause of elevating the level of discussion on this venue. It will be duly honored in the form of audible flatulence, at a date later to be determined by my sphincter.
if you respect the right of people to dukey anywhere, then you are EARTH FRIENDLY. Scat is NATURE ABSORBED. It also is GAStual. Which diffuses harmful rays from the johnson ozone layer.
Drink the bath water of canadian sanger of the orchestra group tom sawyer RUSH. Them rush peoples are wayne's worle PACER music. Geddy LEIGH is a girl wig of long CRYSTAL GAYLE hair. she is can nay djin. from nover scker sure.
mexican art museums are the best. onions. tacos. bahringa moozik. bjork girls hands on hips assertive pontificating all intellectual. jowel sags. they should tote a plastic child's toy bubble pipe and blow bubbles with it. andy warhol is a real artist. there is much in art out there. like a flea circus. but andy warhol is a real artist. karate. nin jit su of tie kwon doe.
ski booting. first thing when we come to power is all judged non artists shall be booted like car tires. but actual snow ski boots shall be key locked on the feet of all pretender artists. a sentry hut by the door the overseer checks the boots when they go out. assigned to supervise the non artists the sentry overseer shall make sure the boots are clicked on and locked. they can wear anything else but they must have on the ski boots at all times when they go out. the ski boots ensure the awkward dork walk of the non artist so they'll be seen as not really talented. they are after all not good. not good like andy warhol. so what they have to say is drivel not real or good real art like andy warhol.
The big question is the long term question of psychosis. And. Do these THINGS work like antibiotics. Permanently there. But their nature being, triggering audio, visual, sensory DECEPTIONS. Example. You played a sport. Got exhausted. Caught a cold. Got a fever. Wham a TRIP is triggered. Then you take off a building. A Ray bridge leap. Or you eat some new food. Then you are on a public transport and TRIP OUT. Psychologically GOOD TRIPS and BAD TRIPS are like moods. Depression can be triggered by lots of things. Also NEW THINKING does not fly too well in a TECHNOLOGICAL INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY. Mushroom hat priests in the old times kept the lid on trips. Secret. Check out Jordan Maxwell on drugs. But PTSD also is caused by the difficulty to obtain THE THNEEDS. The thing is. Can one maneuver in SELF. Who is that big black guy, with the hammer trying to lay spikes against a steam engine. If you can't peddle fast enough how can you make the money required. Money is the root of all MOOD. If you have money can you deal with. If you haven't money can you deal with it. If you get money can you deal with it. 24-7-365 you are dealing with SELF. Are YOU really YOU? Or are you just the current version of YOU. And the real question is, does THE REAL YOU actually control THE YOU? So various dopes added in there may just be too much in the MULLIGAN STEW. If RAY JOHNSON CAME BACK. Would the mail art disciples be happy or angry their savior had returned?
Ross. You should cross country ski short distances each day. Gauge how far to go in a circle or a straight line and back. Until you are starting to get sweaty and tired. Then take a shower. Then paint or create other art. It keeps the brain flowing with good ideas and youthful energy. Plus it keeps you HOWELL.
But, Truman, you might be able to feel some EMPATHY...!
If I had a pocket full of empathy I might have a number one hit single on the charts.
To FEEL. The ability to FEEL. Feeeeelings. Oh. Feeeeeeelings.
TRUMAN BENTLEY JR. is the WORLD MOM. Everyone should love their only mother. He is TRUMAN BENTLEY JR. He is your beloved mom.
Empathy. Love. All LOVE is only found in worship of TRUMAN BENTLEY JR.
Order a new DIL DER.
Rammstein sagt
Ear Cribbidge.
Empathy for HOWELL.
If you be drankin too merch SO DUH you get ASS ID. These glasses got wwwwwhut?
Ross. You no be liss nin to Thurminz. You do SNOW SHOE JOGGIN.
If RAY JOHNSON CAME BACK. Would the mail art disciples be happy or angry their savior had returned?
What good are flesh and blood saviours? All the best ones (Lenin, Jesus, Mao, Warhol, Kennedy, Mohamed, Marx, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, etc.) are deader than The One True Truman's empathy! When they're dead you can project your own values, wishes, etc., onto them since them are now not here to argue. A dead saviour is a "followed" saviour. Amen.
Глава синодального Отдела по взаимоотношениям Церкви и общества протоиерей Всеволод Чаплин считает опрометчивыми попытки Запада отодвинуть Россию на Восток.
"Нам постоянно говорят: "Вы должны измениться, у вас все неправильно: принципы неправильные, вера неправильная, политическое устройство неправильное, природа неправильная, в конце концов. Откуда такая экспансионистская тенденция?" - заявил священник в эфире программы "Вечность и время" на телеканале "Спас".
Он призвал задуматься над тем, "что будут делать с той территорией и с тем культурным пространством, которое останется после нашего ухода дальше к Востоку".
"Ведь западноевропейские страны вряд ли могут его освоить - не демографически даже, а культурно и политически. Зачем нас отодвигать?" - задал вопрос представитель Церкви.
При этом он указал на то, что еще во время Венского конгресса при Александре I и во время мирных инициатив Николая II Россия не претендовала на то, чтобы изменить западную политическую систему, "а, наоборот, стремилась дать западноевропейским государствам максимальную свободу".
По материалам портала ИНТЕРФАКС
what ever happened to the rubber gloves used on niedermeyer in the film animal house.
Mail art is for old people.
Quit posting religious renegade KHYLYSTY writings.
Maybe if you siphon Jesus hard enough some MANNA will come out of it.
Gee Ziss never was a living person. He was created to enslave people just like all gods and religions that demand kneel, pray, submit.
Russian scribble scrabble. The Cryllic alphabet is an archaic writing system. Similar the hillbilly scrawl of DOKTOR GRANNY on the TV show THE BEVERLY HILLBILLIES.
The former soviet union is a vast area. It has as much value as McDonald's cardboard drink cup holder trays. Their Rock Bands are another proof.
Former soviet made cartoons. Really.
Boris and Natasha.
The art world today, 2015 is theatre floor vomit.
Thus sayeth
What good are flesh and blood saviours? They are the liberators who free men from the invisible god adorers of enslavement to bow, submit and pray.
Pray only to SELF!
Thus sayeth
All GOD ADORERS of the god adoration religions. They should take lots of LSD trips. Maybe then they can be free of their arrogant assholish thinking.
Do not bow.
Do not knell.
Do not pray.
Praying is the monkey in man.
Jesus was thick. Swole. Muscular carpenter. Sweaty in gowns. Hung out with husky bearded men. He chanted, GET BEHIND ME SATAN!
His disciples replied, I LIVE THROUGH HIM WHO IS IN ME!
What good are flesh and blood saviors? Invisible spooks. Fantasy lunacy of religion loserdom is the crazy. Religion is CRAZY. The healthy LIFE is sane. And. What about reincarnation. It makes just as much sense. But still it is crazy. REPENT PEOPLE! Live NOW! Life is of the LIVING! Not religious lie torment fear.
Truman is a bad mamma jamma.
Wow, thank you captain Science.... or should I venture that you are a Psy degree....?
Perhaps Philosophy major...?
No, my best EDUCATED (yes, I actually HAVE a degree) guess is.... you are talking, or rather, typing out of your ass.
But thank you very much for your contribution to the cause of elevating the level of discussion on this venue. It will be duly honored in the form of audible flatulence, at a date later to be determined by my sphincter.
I pray to Truman!
Roy Johansen is a false god!
Truman please, please, please make sure I on the saved list for the rapture!
The Crows shall decide who is saved.
Dick Cheney put me in a dungeon and made me listen to Counting Crows.
if you respect the right of people to dukey anywhere, then you are EARTH FRIENDLY. Scat is NATURE ABSORBED. It also is GAStual. Which diffuses harmful rays from the johnson ozone layer.
become aroused to the wide gums of sheryl crow above her teeth as she smiles.
Drink the bath water of canadian sanger of the orchestra group tom sawyer RUSH. Them rush peoples are wayne's worle PACER music. Geddy LEIGH is a girl wig of long CRYSTAL GAYLE hair. she is can nay djin. from nover scker sure.
mexican art museums are the best. onions. tacos. bahringa moozik. bjork girls hands on hips assertive pontificating all intellectual. jowel sags. they should tote a plastic child's toy bubble pipe and blow bubbles with it. andy warhol is a real artist. there is much in art out there. like a flea circus. but andy warhol is a real artist. karate. nin jit su of tie kwon doe.
ski booting. first thing when we come to power is all judged non artists shall be booted like car tires. but actual snow ski boots shall be key locked on the feet of all pretender artists. a sentry hut by the door the overseer checks the boots when they go out. assigned to supervise the non artists the sentry overseer shall make sure the boots are clicked on and locked. they can wear anything else but they must have on the ski boots at all times when they go out. the ski boots ensure the awkward dork walk of the non artist so they'll be seen as not really talented. they are after all not good. not good like andy warhol. so what they have to say is drivel not real or good real art like andy warhol.
all i wanna do is have some fun
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