Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Serse Luigetti
Via Ulisse Rocchi 3
06100 Perugia


Anonymous said...

JEB BUSH knows what is best for the world! He'll let you all pick out your new school clothes from SEARS!

Anonymous said...

Francine went to the spa to pamper herself after boldly announcing to her boyfriend that her days of being a guncle widow were now over.

Anonymous said...

Hey I am looking for a Spirit Guide to help me. New to the valley and I don't know people here that can help. Just need someone to help me see through the 3rd eye again. Find Me Please. M or W or whoever.

Anonymous said...

In Buddhism, the term kausīdya is commonly translated as "laziness" or "spiritual sloth". Kausīdya is defined as clinging to unwholesome activities such as lying down and stretching out, procrastinating, and not being enthusiastic about or engaging in virtuous activity.

Anonymous said...

Do buddah-ist men wear support JOCK STRAPS under their gowns.

Anonymous said...

My best friend is sick right now but he hasn't given me his Skype account yet so we can Skype for free. He's either passive aggressive or he doesn't know how he feels and needs some time to think. I think I love him but there is this argument being used, all of a sudden he is mad I'm not a smoker like he is. The thing is he is trying to kill himself off, starting with the thoughts he has about being unloved, unwanted, etc. by women. And he has religious goo stuck on the bottom of his soul that pounded into his head that the occult sciences are BAD, therefore he can't be like the rest of the hippies who are curious about Horary astrology.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget. Tone Loc said, SHEENA WAS UH MAN!