Sunday, June 07, 2015

TRUMAN. Live Better.


Gergel, find a new obsession.

Maybe become a rockhound or something.


Anonymous said...

You posted that crap about the museum. Then left it up for a week with no new subjects to comment on or new stuff so every time I checked to see if there was new stuff on Bentspoon all was there was that crap. So naturally IRKED the posts flowed. To be relevent you must post new stuff at least once every two days. Even if some stuff never gets comment. Post more GONG band type stuff. I recently bypassed the purchase of a very rare Frank Zappa Lp in a thrift store. Very rare early Lp. Your posting of the GONG band is a sign I must fetch the Zappa Lp.

Anonymous said...

Look you choad. I'm like a drunk in a bar. Yelling CLEAR THE STAGE. Don't be like Paul Weller putting out all that STYLE COUNCIL crap for years. Then when you are dried up and old start going around playing JAM songs. Where the hell were you when we needed you PAUL WELLER. Off jacking some JAZZ bullshit. Jazz is fine if you are creating it for a movie soundtrack. But everyone else is DOWN IN THE TUBE STATION AT MIDNIGHT.

Anonymous said...

Do I look like RICHARD GERE. I ain't studying no GERBILS.

Anonymous said...

FERRIS PRIDDLE. You're my hero.

Anonymous said...

Rock hound.

Anonymous said...

Look in the mirror. You are TRUMAN BENTLEY JR.

Anonymous said...

PULSE CADENCE CURSE PROJECTORS are hand crafted statue table top designed THINGYS which generate CURSE HEX. One built for each person I DO NOT LIKE, these living objects project POWER WHAMMY CURSE HEX to the person so they SLIP ON BANANA PEELINGS, HIT THEIR KNEE GETTING OUT OF CARS, SPILL DRINK GLASSES ON THEIR TABLE IN RESTAURANTS. Etc.

Anonymous said...

I don't care about BETTER. I just say that shit because it pisses people off.

Anonymous said...

Gergel sent me a big envelope of pass and adds. Andy Warhol and Campbell's own the soup can. Human brains need a debit or credit card swiper so each time a person VISUALIZES the image in their head of a Campbell Soup can they can be charged for USING THE IMAGE. POWER TO THE REAL ART! THE REAL ARTISTS! THE MUSEUMS AND GALLERIES! THEY DECIDE WHAT IS ART AND WHO IS AN ARTIST! OBEY!

You must be designated an artist by a museum or gallery to be a real artist! OBEY! OBEY! OBEY! Those not designated an ARTIST are mentally ill poseurs. Only MUSEUMS AND GALLERIES ARE REAL ART!

Anonymous said...

Only MUSEUMS AND GALLERIES ARE REAL ART! OBEY! OBEY! CONFORM! <--This is the true "crap on Bentspoon."

Anonymous said...

Naw, naw naw dawg. They REAL ARTIST. You jiss be trippin on some stoopit shit. Ever body knows only ANDY WARHOLS was uh GREAT REAL ARTIST! Not RAY JORDAN and that YOKER ONER screechin' thain.

You are only a REAL ARTIST if GALLERY and MOOZEEUM say dat you is. You NOT. So soothe your feeble mind by SNIFFING museum pamphlets and laying on the cool marble floors. Bow and say SALOMY SALOMY BALONEY! All you non artist NON MUSEUM ACKNOWLEDGED URCHIN CRUMBS!

Face it YOU and AYE DUFF HIT-LUH been told NO!
See. Ever body uh greeze.
You jiss trippin. You trippin.

Anonymous said...

It ain't CRAP! It ain't DOO DUH! IT DADA!

What he be sayin. IT DADA!

Anonymous said...

MUSEUMS and GALLERIES create all the artists. Like how Brian Epstein created THE BEATLES. Everyone else is KARAOKE ARTISTS.

Anonymous said...

MUSEUMS and GALLERIES eat up all the artists. Like VAMPIRES, they suck out all their talent and creativity. They exploit them and use them all up. They prostitute the name value of famous artists to be able to charge higher admission rates. Like how Allen Klein stole from THE BEATLES and THE ROLLING STONES before them. Everyone else are TRUE ARTISTS, that have not sold their images to SATAN in exchange for some paper sheets made from 75% cotton and 25% linen fibers.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous typed...
You posted that crap about the museum. Then left it up for a week with no new subjects to comment on or new stuff so every time I checked to see if there was new stuff on Bentspoon all was there was that crap. So naturally IRKED the posts flowed.

I guess it wasn't such crap after all, since they were arresting more mail artists in this same basic time period that you are talking about. I think part of the problem is that most art museums don't have their own police force. In this case, The Ringling being part of Florida State University System just calls upon the FSU Police when they come across art that they don't approve of. I hope no other artists get arrested by The Ringling.

Anonymous said...

no. unknown doodlers are just trash crazies. only museums and galleries have the right to decide who the real artists and art is.

Anonymous said...

ONLY museums and GALLERIES are real. unknowns are nothings. NNNNOTHINGS!

Anonymous said...

Cigarette Butts. Cigarette butts. Here in Venice Beach California you can have sex with anybody. But. THEY do not allow you to have a soda pop cola or fried foods in their totalitarian health food mandated tyranny restaurants. You can't vote if a candidate is not on the menu. Apparently engaging in 100 sex acts is LOVE. The greatest good. But 100 Soda pop colas and 100 french fry orders with ketchup is evil and bad. OBESITY is EVIL. Rectal sex and fellatio is LOVE. And LOVE is the greatest good.

Anonymous said...

YES, ART MUSEUMS should arrest and imprison everybody who calls himself or herself an artist! No one should be allowed to create art anymore. Mail art should be illegal. Drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture are all CRIMES...crimes that need to be stopped. NO NEW ART SHOULD EVER BE CREATED AGAIN! Do you know someone who thinks they are an artist? If so please give their name and address to your closest ART MUSEUM so they can have them arrested and locked away. That way, no one will have to be exposed to anymore new art ever again. ALL ARTISTS MUST BE FORCED TO STOP WHAT THEY ARE DOING! ART MUST COME TO A HALT.
Thank you for your obedience and cooperation.