Thursday, November 06, 2014

grigori antonin


Truman Bentley Jr.
3219 Carden Drive
Columbus, GA


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

MERt' SHpionam!

Anonymous said...

And a George Kitchins Prisoner Of The NKVD to you too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Minnesota and Michigan. All the minds there are like MORTVILLE in the John Waters film DESPERATE LIVING. Maine too.

Anonymous said...

ENEMY AT THE GATES. In progressive liberalism there are no gates. Everyone communally shares the same tooth brush.

Anonymous said...

Grigori has an understanding of collage pattern lay out CORRECTNESS. His is original and not copying. Others mimic. Grigori takes a style method and applies it. Grigori's collages are original and well formulated. Therefore he is a REAL COLLAGE ARTIST. No jest. Serious.

Anonymous said...

ठीक कहा । कहानी का नामोनिशान नहीं । कबाड़ कडी थी ये वाली । पिंक तो सचमें ही बकवास था । ड्रामा बना दिया डाक्टर हू को

Anonymous said...

I'm gone git me sum cider!

Anonymous said...

World's largest display model of a Ukrainian sausage is a roadside attraction in Mundare, Alberta, the home of Stawnichy's Meat Processing. Stawnichy was also a great philosopher.

Anonymous said...

Turn that noise down! I'm tryin' to iron in here!

Anonymous said...

Re-nimbuh. Focus on the cold cuts. The vegan buffet. And the nanner puddin' treat bar. Lame. Stale. Not enough new stuff posted. Needs three pieces of mail art each day. Other wise it is jist glas text.

Anonymous said...

twitbook amageou consisting

Anonymous said...

Sexy! Like Ginger.

Anonymous said...

If we could only for a moment be in harmony with the Tao, we could be eternal as the Tao is eternal. The problem we have is that we do not normally live in harmony with the Tao. Instead of reacting naturally as the Tao leads, we insist on explaining, categorizing and controlling the world.

Anonymous said...

The TAO, pronounced TOWEL, knows exactly who took money back from THE TIP JAR at the OH PEL LICK UH SCHMENKEN.