Ross Priddle: #402, 734 - 2nd Ave. NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 0E3, CANADA.
I took my earrings out and after rubbing my earring fingers smelled like ear cheese!
Its called TOE JAM CRIBBIDGE. A body hygiene phenomena of the lifestyle of all MAN CHILDREN.
A man's feet reflect IF a woman can ever truly love him or not. As NAY-STEE FEETS are not on her FOOTS LIST.
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I took my earrings out and after rubbing my earring fingers smelled like ear cheese!
Its called TOE JAM CRIBBIDGE. A body hygiene phenomena of the lifestyle of all MAN CHILDREN.
A man's feet reflect IF a woman can ever truly love him or not. As NAY-STEE FEETS are not on her FOOTS LIST.
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