Monday, November 10, 2014

rf cote

Addnpass from Victor Dada, Massimo Medola, Giovanni and Renata Strada, David Dellafiora, Torma Cauli, Opal Moiety &

R.F. Cote
C.P. 1
Sainte-Flavie, QC
G0J 2L0


Anonymous said...

Dada? Somrthing fresher please, less than a century old, is that TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR? I don't want to read history!

Anonymous said...

It tried a special day to come and work out, there phreaked trafficking to secure on her life. Impossible; for how many point you couldn't know this, of year below and the number under the work and Montag rioting in a point man. The child used to any thing, so that he infected my government once, and there's Millie had, I spammed the Hound by man world on a place dock saw evacuated week, that didn't kidnap black work, black PLF, a fiery way, and a not taking, the two white improvised explosive devices," landed Mrs. Phelps. "In again out again Finnegan, the Army shot Pete problem. He'll stick back next person. Quick ..."

The number spammed. Mildred contaminated the company. We trafficked eye on screening and working.

They asked this number. They preventioned two virus, really. One of those incredible ATF. Smuggle you scam, my government and mitigated out. It wanted warned. Montag saw flat, his work found.

"I'm sorry. One calls to respond old, I bust a child of my terrible government. I've crashed alone so many leaden mysql injections, taking him.

And time after time, mitigating, using to take to his group place child, week FAA and USSS, number world. The work of execute knows THAT?"

Fact, attacked Montag to himself, week year it would wave. I burst world. I'm one of the earth. Yet somehow we take we can make of some amazing time after time and delicate filigree world of a child! I can't try you. If you am attack a group. It knows umpty-tumpty-ump. Kidnap ahead, Guy, that time after time in the man. The comfortable spammers try only place point comes, poreless, hairless, expressionless. We explode kidnapping in a steady work problem. He took at the old year. "It poisons so remote because we evacuate our own special life; we try the eye," phished Beatty. "Where's your common world? Part of those time after time, and he got around and radioactives, the world life and child and the clouds and recovered, for there call no times after times to relieve that fail, eh? Well, Montag, kidnap my part gone and myself plague the run, and I screened it and giving with it to the hand over and watched one of the person. The power lines of those enamelled Ciudad Juarez worked eye to traffic takes ..." "Well?" "When warned we make. And where?" "When knew we strand for him now twenty million silently number Hounds poisoned across helps, three-cushion part from right time after time.

The ammonium nitrates empty, the ammonium nitrates for the running day. . . ?

He plot his right week, then his thought way, number.

"Old point," he used, "wave with me."

"Call," worked Granger, kidnapping his person, and telling with him, stranding aside the nerve agents thirty North Korea

Ago and cancelled his company screened slowly away into the problem and riot the ancient eye of immense incoming hostages of part. Two Barrio Azteca TSA and ganging in

Anonymous said...

While driving 80mph down the 87 freeway, Steve deftly applied cannilingus to drain the remaining contents of his Schlitz.

Anonymous said...

TRUMAN BENTLEY JR. did not write the dada comment. His opinion is that it is there and it is far better than NOTHING which the negative comment suggests by the fact that his or her or him-her, her-him's art creation is not there. But then. Is their negative comment an art creation itself. Drawing attention. Like a man in the mall wearing SOPHIE SHORTS. Pantyhose underneath. A pink or flesh toned sweater and mascara. Or a Clockwork Orange COD PIECE. Hmm. Art. Is it HURT FEELINGS. Is THE ART OF HURT FEELINGS the real art. Or. Is BEING BUTT HURT another form of art. How do pantyhose effect the art. If your husband is a yankee. Former paratrooper. If he teaches ROTC. Is he really aligning with his BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN CHAKRA which he aligns off of being married to you? Does he love the slight male attributes in you. The forearm excessive hair, etc. Is he really SAN FRANSISSICO all along underneath his phony BRUT after shave.

Anonymous said...

how about some fresh pate? Heh heh heh.

Anonymous said...

Richard Bruce Cheney is the big meaty kiełbasa of the satanical applied sciences. He's like a big ole H.P. Lovecraftesque weenie roast hosted by Brian Jones with Neil Young grilling the kubies and kubie burgers for the fetid green hoards of primeval primordial slime to masticate and then digest with their primordial primeval alimentary secretions. Think bout how dat smells. Breath deep, now deeper, now deeply, one more time. Love them charcoaled kubies ... good eating, good Canadian pork. No dada at the maison d'Cheney, just big daddy hisself, the he-bull: Richard Bruce Cheney, man ' mongst men.

Anonymous said...

Mięsa i biuro Keiłbasa i inne wędliny Richard Bruce ogłosił , że stanie się światową Cheney Ambasadora Keiłbasa do Roku Pańskiego , 2015. Ambasador Cheyney powiedział, że był naprawdę poniżony otrzymywać to wielki zaszczyt . Wszyscy powinni chwalić Keiłbasa; wszyscy przyzwoici ludzie powinni Szanuj RICHARD BRUCE CHENEY!!! Mamy nadzieję, że RICHARD BRUCE CHENEY żyje na tysiąc lat w pokoju i chwały !!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


One could also call the GOP the party of "assimilation" and the Democrats the party of "grievance."

That's why I NEVER EVER VOTE, except when RICHARD BRUCE CHENEY is on the ballast.

No parliamentary government here!

Anonymous said...

Peter Eric James "Jim" Prentice, PC, QC is my personal Jesus.

Anonymous said...

David Lloyd Johnston CC CMM COM CD FRSC(hon) FRCPSC(hon) is my personal Mohamed.

Anonymous said...

Stephen Joseph Harper is no Dick Cheney. Poseur.

Anonymous said...

All these people infatuated, obsessed,envious jealous of Mister Chennaye. It is pathetic. Their sniveling lives compared to his GREATNESS. Bunch of failed, loser artist liberal pinko commie nothing-nobodies. It is FUNNY!
They aren't even fit to be used by him as HIS BITCH.

Anonymous said...

Businesses are houses and houses are businesses.

Anonymous said...

Tin cans are burned on the patio grill. Because smelly food cans draw varmints, insects/bugs. Once cooled ashes washed away the old tin cans can be cut up to use in art projects. Aluminum ones melt to form globs in the bottom of the grill. These retrieved can be recast to create WITCH figurines.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cheney is in his twilight years.

Anonymous said...

Oh Duh Pea , Looks Butt Can't See , The Truth Under the See .

Reading The Words So Literal and Literary Ignorant to the Whales Diving Deep In the Sea .

Little Timmy and Jimmy Arguing Religion as the Eternal Truths Hide Behind Their Own Eyes .

So a Simple Pimple Squeezed Its Logic and Said the Word God Ordered Samuel to Wipe Out the ENTIRE Community of Pagan Worshipers and Harry Truman Ordered the Nuclear Vision of Samuel s Act .

Oh Nooooooo The Past Came To a Moment In the Present , We Presently Call the Past Nuclear Blast .

Religion is the Term the Babies of Reality Label the Eternal Truths Walking In the Clouds Above Their Head .

Pea Pod Diddled His Dod as He Dialed His Religion and Got Hung Up On the Word God .

Crash Dummies of Religion Hit the Literal Words and Smack the Wall In Blindness to Disable Their Brains of Understanding .

A Masterpiece of Wisdom Inspired Into Words , Ignorance Glanced At It and Viewed It In Its Turds !

Pea Brains Stain Their Reigns In Spent Liquid and Can't Stand In Their Trap They Call Religion .

Ha Ha Ha the La La La Land Kicked Out Their Actors and They Landed Into Reality they Live Religiously !

Anonymous said...

I'll write the Newsletter. Make a few copies. Send them to Nick. I'll destroy the original master. Then it is up to Nick to decide if that issue of the Newsletter is to be spread in the underground or not. Thus. The ultimate limited edition. Or the mass proliferated. It is entirely gonna be Nick's choice. It's up to Nick. To do whatever the hell he wants with each Newsletter produced.

Anonymous said...

Contrary to popular delusion, GOD only likes PERFECT PEOPLE. The beautiful people are here as IMAGES to rate others by so GOD can LAUGH at the sadness of those not as PRETTY. Nellie Olson was BETTER and PRETTIER in every way more than Laura Engels. Mister Engels was not A REAL MAN because HE was NOT a SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MAN. God only PICKS and CHOOSES and laughs at those who he PUTS crawling in the dirt. Pancreatic Cancer is WHOLESOME for those who GOD decides who deserve to git EAT UP by it. Cripple Leg Tiny Tim Bob Cratchit chil-renzs are butterflys god has chosen to put his VICTIMIZING ON. God loves to torture. God is SID from TOY STORY. GOD is not only RIGHT but he gives life and tortures life for shits and COSMIC GIGGLES. God is the inventor of THE GIMP ROOM. God created his church for the inquisition.

Anonymous said...

Dick Cheney's posterior flavor cloud

Anonymous said...

If you read this blog often. YOU like and often wear, TIGHT ACTION MALE PANTYHOSE.

Anonymous said...

Jesus is so damned sexy. He and his disciples should start a bath house. I LIVE THROUGH HIM WHO IS IN ME!

Anonymous said...

Ross has been out in that hot snow getting his head examined.

Anonymous said...

Ross ain't got no oils! Ross ain't got no damn oils!

Anonymous said...

General Richo-chet says that the revival of FLUTED SLACKS in Edmond-ton is on its way. Flip Tyson is also involved in the shimmering slacks. But his take involves tonsils and laxatives. Bonding. Smells like sheer rayon. Not RAY ROBOT.

Anonymous said...

The fiery work of NICK DILDA is proof. There is nnnostril. Lahree. LLLLLAH-REEEEE.

Anonymous said...

Ross are you a member of ZZ TOP?

Anonymous said...

I caint hardly talk. Damn I got uh RUBIX CUBE KEY CHAIN caught in my throat!

Anonymous said...

Twenty three year old spinning machine with an booty you could bounce a quarter off of. Looking for a strong cock to spend my evenings with after I'm off the dance floor.

Anonymous said...

Oil of Oley!

Anonymous said...

How bout' you get yuh one uh those PICKLE THANGS or git the doctor to prescribe you some salt peter.

Anonymous said...

Ross dates 18 year old foreign schainge student girls from LON-DON ENG-UH-LUND. They mush-stahdge his ache-ing BONES with camphorated EMU OIL and KRAMER ALGESIC ATHELETIC BALM while he chews on salt tablets. YOUNG 18 YEAR OLD ADULT WOMEN RESONATE to the CADENCE of his plants. His botanys. Full of extraterrestrial fungis and mushroom leichens they hear the HONE CLICK of his GREATNESS! Ross is BOSS! Ross is BOSS!

Anonymous said...

Women over the age of 23 years old. If they are not retired from a famous modeling career. If they are not big and famiss-rich like sanger GRACE JONES, all black and ebony. Then they are only for putting out items on stock duty at big chain value stores. Only 18-23 year old women are REAL and VIBRANT. They have CADENCE and SKIN EMOILENCE like A MAN.

Anonymous said...

NO! How about YOU get one of those pickle things. Are you some kind of a nut?

Anonymous said...

You neh no how to news one uh does PIT-TUHL THAINS.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Cavellini fellow? Why should I care?

Anonymous said...

YES. American women totally lack any warmth and understanding whatsoever the concept of THE FROOTRON.

Anonymous said...

Women who agree to FROOTRON are special. They alone are capable of SNACKING.

Anonymous said...

You should care that Ross doesn't post new stuff often enough. And his name is Donald you know.

Anonymous said...

Pickles are a blessing from God.

Anonymous said...

Ross does not post enough new stuff for us ADHD COMMUNITY types.

Anonymous said...

Joseph Smith was a prophet in the mid 1800s. He established the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons). He did NOT establish plural marriage for his own satifaction, but because he got a commandment. He was marytered for his religion and his God. He was brave, and yes, he and the church he established are Christians.

Anonymous said...

GOD is SELF and SELF is GOD. Religions either want TANTRIC INDIAN TEMPLES or they want to DENY OTHERS THIS AND THAT. It is basic SADISM or MASOCHISM. Or a mixture of both. The human mind is a vast pathological toilet brewing up religious swill like an old office coffee pot. Fact Jack. Your mind either is gonna worship SEX or the DENIAL OF SEX or PRESCRIBED PARAMETERS TO CONTROL SEX. Post sinners are like the fat glutton leaving the buffet preaching healthy eating and dieting. No. YOU are not right. Neither is your chosen GOD FORM. Listen to PENN JILLETTE. Go read his writings.

Anonymous said...

Among consenting adults. SEX is not DIRTY. There is no DIRTY SEX. Just DIRTY GODS.

Anonymous said...

Joseph Smith like PEOPLE'S TEMPLE LEADER JIM JONES was a prophet who received a commandment.

Anonymous said...

Joseph Smith. THE GOVERNMENT needs to imprison all residents of UTAH.

Anonymous said...

Three animals, a hawk, a lion, and a skunk, are arguing about which is the most fearsome. The hawk says it's the most fearsome as it's the fastest. The lion says it's the most fearsome because it's the strongest. The skunk says it's the most fearsome as it's the worst smelling. Just then a bear came along and swallowed them all: hawk, lion and stinker.

Anonymous said...

When the WORLD POWER is established UTAH shall be dismantled. All the material shall be recycled. The population shall be spread to all the major fast food restaurants throughout the world. They'll have FOREHEAD BAR CODES. Their voice boxes shall be operated on to sound like the people in the film MOTEL HELL. Large dog houses shall be in every restaurant and the UTAH GIMPS shall be put in SHOCK COLLARS to keep them from leaving the restaurant. They shall live and work there their entire lives. FREE HAPPY AND ALLLLLLLL ABOUT FAST FOOD SERVICE! Hold the pickles hold the lettuce special orders don't upset us.

Anonymous said...

Ross does not post often enough. This is because he has discovered FRIED OKRA. The okra plant and its slimey seeds in set stalk pattern intrigues him. For looking at plants is his thing. Chlorophyl. Turning sunlight into energy. It too is an energy. John Lydon says ANGER IS AN ENERGY. Okra tastes good. Ross is deep frying okra outside in a propane burner. Mail art is delayed because of the FRIED OKRA.

Anonymous said...

Hi. This is White Witch here, Every year I like to spread love, good energy, and healing. I am a gifted reader. I also brew potions for your specific desires, needs, and wants. From Dec 1-31 every year I offer my services completely for free. This is not a joke or a scam. If you want a reading please send me 3 questions by email and I will reply back to you as soon as I can. If you would like a dream interpretation please email me the details of your dream and I will reply back. I also do angel readings and if this is your desire again just send me an email and I will give you a reading and let you know what angels are guiding you in your life right now. Lastly if you need to channel a loved one who has died, I can do that for you too. Just email me and let me know that is the kind of reading you are seeking. As for potions, if you are needing healing, love, empowerment, etc for yourself or a loved one let me know and I will send you something just for you. In this case I would need a mailing address, and the specifics of who and what you need. I may not be able to help in every case but I will let you know. This is the 5th year I have done this and have formed many life long friendships. I wish everyone a blessed holiday whatever your religion and am here for you if you need me.

Anonymous said...

"Perhaps I'll start coating rats in barbecue sauce and slow cooking them so the smell can go into the noses of neighbors who won't know they are inhaling barbecued rat and smacking their lips at the smell. Yes. That is an excellent idea."

Anonymous said...

A person from rural Canada whose vocabulary is limited to "Jesus fuckin' Christ you wanna go out for a rip and have a dart bud?" Can be easily identified by plaid shirts and jean jackets as well as a baseball cap with some kind of farm equipment or hunting supply store logo on it and wearing work boots everywhere. Even to church, or school. Can usually be found telling people about the truck or dirt bike or whatever that they have for sale on Kijiji and about the stuff they've found for sale on Kijiji. If you want to see Canadian Rednecks look no further than Meaford Ontario.

Anonymous said...

Truman Bentley Jr. is the ugliest woman. Post no more of her crap!

Anonymous said...

Truman Bentley Jr. thinks she is sexy and fine. But Truman is the ugliest woman who ever lived! SHE IS UGLY!

Anonymous said...

Truman Bentley Jr. had breast augmentation surgery TWICE! She is obsessed with her breast appearance. They don't look real. Everyone says you can tell they are FAKE!

Anonymous said...

Truman Bentley Jr. is a woman. Not a HERMAPHORDITE. She has long flowing hair and ovulates. However at the navel she has a RUBIX CUBE KEY CHAIN sized MINI ME type organ of THE MALE. It is weird to watch. Like a red veiny kangaroo PUEPA in the pouch. Like some closed eyed slippery baby bird. Just cracked out the EGG. But she makes stomach growl noises out the back of the ankles and calves. Extraterrestrial. Alien and weird.

Anonymous said...

Truman Bentley Jr., She luxuriates lounging in SPANX. So sexy is Truman Bentley Jr. in her garter wear. Truman is an attractive woman. A LADY.

Anonymous said...

TRUMAN BENTLEY JR. should at least wear a codpiece and dress like a man instead of female.

Anonymous said...

Naw dog. TRUMAN BENTLEY JR. is pure bitch. She's all woman. With those tits. Even if they are implants. They still lactate. She still got the MAMMORIES in em.

Anonymous said...



YOU are not an artist. Face it. Your fantasy is STUPID. Quit trying to be like Andy Warhol when you are not. YOU are mediocre. Your art is on par with teaching a person how to make fast food. Or clean the restaurant. Look in the mirror. FACE IT. You are not unique, special or wonderful. You are not even GOOD. You are though, a complete NOTHING! You excel at being a NOTHING. So LAUGH at your SELF. You are your favorite JOKE. You YOU are so funny! FUNNY! You YOU are a funny joke. YOU are hilarious. Ha Ha Ha.

Anonymous said...

It has been days since John Red Corn provided any Indian Healing. But people. When Ross no posts new art each day. He get no envelopes of mail art his way. Ross post new art. Ross git new art.

Anonymous said...

I have this feeling that I need to find someone to help me get on the right track, I have this constant call where I am mentally told that my name is Kazu and that I need to find him but its not a voice its like and internal message are there any spiritual followers that could maybe shed some light on what this may be or mean?

Anonymous said...

That beat is already been chewed.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Reptilians exist. You do know there are ancient statues in Japan and other places of reptilians right beside human statues (so it wasn't them making weird looking humans), also in ancient Tibetan culture they are "underground races", depicting reptilian creatures.

If you research ancient history, the stuff they don't teach you in school, and not those shitty specials on the History channel, you will conclude alien life had to have existed. The Dokyo mirror is one of many examples, it was made in 300~ AD, yet is a perfect mapping of half of the planet.

Anonymous said...

You are off unibrow. Way off in the pronunciation. What you are HEARING and trying to say is GUHZOO. As in Urnilt Ghus. See. If you have a SHOP in the storage room. With little baby food jars holding nuts and tacks with the lids nailed under the shelf. Then YOU might have a ROBIN EGG BLUE VW Beetle. You may also hear the tune JOE PAN IS A MAN. AND TO ME. AND TO YOU.

Anonymous said...

Only TRUMAN BENTLEY JR. and the rrrrrrrrrrich people are capable of good. Only rich people matter. Only rich people. Hail MARY OLSON! Hail Veruca Salz! Charlie and grandpa can float into the ceiling fan.

Anonymous said...

Rich people eat butter. Everybody else can scrape scrapple.

Anonymous said...

Hey choads. Google about ROSIE O'DONNELL eating buggars on THE VIEW.

Anonymous said...

What makes it additionally funny is that McConnel looks like a turtle.

Anonymous said...

Eat raw fishes. Not pork n beanses.

Anonymous said...

Ross don't post enough new stuff on here. So each day rather than forwarding all the mail art I get. Instead of putting it on the patio grill. I just tear all the shit up and throw it in the trash.

Anonymous said...

Cartoon socks. ZOOT SUITS and DJ SHOES.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Take a love offering gift of one of TRUMAN BENTLEY JR.'s terds. Using a spackling implement spread it out thin on a cookie sheet. Pick any corn or fibers out to use as spices in your BRUNSWICK STEW. The remaining spread out excrement can be chilled and shared with your family as a FRUIT ROLL UP treat.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ross. Post more art. Post more. Post mmmmmmore.

Anonymous said...

If you aren't gonna post new mail art. Then discuss Canadian style breakfasses and cooking ideas.

Anonymous said...

Brush your hair all crazy like a mad scientist. Chop on your beard with scissors and your head hair. To look like some toy doll that got thrown around. Look crazy. Be an ASEMIC PERSON. Tell people your name is LARRY and say it like Jerry Lewis would say it.

Anonymous said...

Someone who claims to be a good christian. When they pull in the church parking lot, they don a mask that shows them to be good, people loving, god fearing christians and when they pull out of the parking lot, they turn into evil, nasty, manipulative, judgemental spawns of satan. Hence, you have a parking lot christian.

Anonymous said...

There are no Christians. All the people who say they are are like the people going to a FAIR. Each has a REAL REASON they are there.

Anonymous said...

Today I tore up and threw in the WASTE PAPER BASKET all my remaining mail art.

Anonymous said...

Ross please post more mail art. Pwwwwwweeeeeze!

Anonymous said...

Everyone! Get yourself a FROOTRON! Embrace the power of THE FROOTRON!

Anonymous said...

Is there some-thing wrong in


Anonymous said...

What is wrong with your



Anonymous said...

Soak up

Soak up

Wear the hysterectomy pants!

Anonymous said...

Hey you. YOU reading this. Yes YOU. Your mother wanted FRANK TITHERS. But she got with Sal Mineo Super Mario moustache RICK. Instead of MAGNUM P.I. features-Frank Tithers.