Addnpass from Victor, Jennifer Kosharek, me, C.Z. Lovecraft, buZ blurr, Darlene Altschul?, C. Mehrl Bennett, Musicmaster & Mike Dickau!
Mike Dickau
1528 40th St.
Sacramento, CA
Ross Priddle: #402, 734 - 2nd Ave. NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 0E3, CANADA.
tommy said it was cool!
Nice to see an A&P that isn't saturated with the stench of you-know-who's mental illness.
YOU KNOW WHO, jjjjjealous Herr Dahk-tuh Sssssssane are we now? Then do some pilates and work on that beh-lee! Oh, yuh feehlin kinda squingee. You need tuh eat sum chicken.
Add and Pass sheets are going to start appearing with Dr. Sane's address covered up. No one likes that plaid shirt wearing hoarder.
Dr. Sane hates FREE SPEECH.
Dr. Sane had a pipe leak at his place this week.
TRUMAN BENTLEY JR. is creating t-shirts for $20.00 each with his name and DSM-IV 301.9 under it. It is also going to be the name of his PUNK ROCK BAND. T-shirts are sold in bulk only. Size XXL only, 48 shirts total for $300.00. Send the THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS and Truman shall send you 48 shirts. They are cool. Send to:
TRUMAN BENTLEY JR. is creating t-shirts for $20.00 each with his name and DSM-IV 301.9 under it. It is also going to be the name of his PUNK ROCK BAND. T-shirts are sold in bulk only. Size XXL only, 48 shirts total for $300.00. Send the THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS and Truman shall send you 48 shirts. They are cool. Send to:
Ross Priddle. Post more each day please. You are proving to be only a hobbyist at best. ONLY true revolutionary artists post constantly.
Is MENTAL ILLNESS a birth defect? Or does environment create the beast? If you say birth, you are a Mengele. If you say environment you are obviously a Marxist. Either way you can't win. Perhaps MENTAL ILLNESS is ADAPTATION. Survival of the WITTIEST.
Dr. Sane had the most embarassing mother at the PTA. That is part of his jealousy origins.
I'm mentally ill. But Dr. Sane dares not say that against the artist drawing women's faces in place of vaginas on spread legs over a skull dripping pus. The jock strap contraption image was the folded out envelope Aponte sent me which was the base of the PASS AND ADD. No Dr. Sane. You are just jealous of TRUMAN BENTLEY JR.'S luxurious pantyhose. You are jjjealous DR. SANE. Evvvvvveryone knows it.
Ross. Your current FACEBOOK photo looks like ED GEIN.
Have you heard of this, uh, neurofeedback, Truman?
I think this piece of mail art needs to be torn up and put in a trash can.
Is you-know-who eligible for SSI "crazy money"?
The CT and MRI results show that I have several old lunacular infarcts in both hemispheres of the brain. I also have several anomolies which may or may not be innate. They show up on the brain image as white pill shaped pellet things. I also have many grey areas that have no electrical activity. Dead areas of the brain. Neurologists have also studied the ECT and there is no response to stimuli in areas of my brain and areas of complete non brain function. At least as can currently be understood or detected. I say that my mind is inhabited by an OUTSIDE FORCE who like a daemon resides in the brain as its home. When I was nine months old I fell from a high chair to a tiled cement floor. I had a total circular skull fracture. The swelling was on the outside of my head and it turned almost black. My earliest memories begin at the time of the fall. Since then the thinking has been non stop and continual.
Just to let the world know outside the entrance on the I-185 interstate statues have been set up to commemorate army soldier mess. Behind it is VICTORY DRIVE that leads into COSCUMBUS GEORGIA. Rows of delapidated businesses, tattoo shops, broken raggedy car repair shops and used car lots and seedy trash. Behind it is THE GREEN WAVE SPENCER HIGH SCHOOL. All delapidated like the WELCOME BACK KOTTER SET. Sickening. Trashy, trashy, trashy. NO CLASS. Repugnant vomit. An eye sore. The spincter of the rectum of American democracy. Wear a LITTLE STEVEN head scarf and sing WE ARE THE WORLD. The closer you travel toward Ft. Benning the TRASHIER the environment is. The army infantry slogan HOO-UH! should be changed to SEWER! Pronounced SEW-UH!
When TRUMAN BENTLEY JR. was little he missed a lot of days of school and year round he went to the doctor often. He got lots of shots and was in and out of the hospital for endless vomiting and flu type symptoms. Underweight and poked full of IV tube drips. When leaving the doctor to go to the pharmacy he was always promised a PRIZE for not resisting the shots and behaving RIGHT in the doctor's office. In the DRUG STORE he got to pick out colouring books, comic books or toy prizes from the turning toy rack. Once he got a hand held four character LAUREL & HARDY slide puzzle. Beetle Baily comic books. All sorts of cowboy and soldier figures. And candy. Now grown TRUMAN BENTLEY JR. is still sick. SICK IN THE HEAD. He still needs PRIZES. So send him YOUR dollars so he can PICK OUT prizes to buy to make himself HAPPY. Send your money freely to: TRUMAN BENTLEY JR. 3219 CARDEN DRIVE COLUMBUS GEORGIA 31907-2143 U.S.A. Realize that you are nothing but a loser self proclaimed artist with absolutely NO TALENT. Live to feed Truman GRAPES, PUDDING and LAVISH CANDY TREATS. Better yourself the only way YOU can by worshipping Truman. Worship him 24-7-365! And remember TRUMAN SAVES! GEEZISS ENSLAVES!
The vigin mary had leaky pipes.
Since Theo Nelson mimics the art of The Beatles YELLOW SUBMARINE so well, his drumbeat is heard far and wide, but since he is not Ringo he is more like BARRY WOMBAT the drummer for The Beatles mimick band THE RUTLES. So Theo is now to be called THEO WOM, the shortened version of THEO WOMBAT. Remember he is now to be referred to as THEO WOM. And remember, A MAN APPEARED UPON A FLAMING CAKE AND SAID, FROM THIS DAY FORWARD YOU ARE TO BE THEO WOM.
Tell Bono what he can do with his "F" WORD.
Many support the spread of FAMINE.
Human beings think they are MASTERS of the earth ABOVE all other life forms. Step aside humanity! Mother earth is PRO CHOICE and MOTHER EARTH WANTS AN ABORTION OF HUMANITY! Humans are not special. Humans are no more valuable that a tad pole or a squirrel. In fact, the HUMAN is more detrimental to the planet than all other creatures. Humans also create gods to enhance their ability to destroy the environment. So BONO quit trying to top bob Geldof with your GOOD GUY BADGE. The rest of us support zero human population growth. We advocate a human free planet! Nature totally agrees!
And remember,
Think ANP
not A&P.
You-Know-Who got uh truss fun bbbbb-itch! He can BUY AND SELL YOUR MOMMA.
Do you have a history of seizures?
I'm guessing you do.
Are you now, or have you ever been, a prissy effete bed-wetter?
I pee in the bed even when awake. I am prissy and effete just like Atkins and Fromme.
Ammonia sheets are the best. I like to fart in pee sheets. It makes a frapp frapp sound just like how Dr. Sane's momma's sweaty thighs make as she walks passing gas.
Prissy Effete Truman cultivates feminine ways. Unlike Dr. Sane who feels most comfortable eating desicated bull testicle muscle building tablets from the health food store and watching football and other sweaty male exclusive sports. Dr. Sane is male oriented because he is scared of the fact he was born with nipples too. Even tight shirts alert Dr. Sane to the awareness he has nipples and this makes him get a slight tickle in his spincter and a weakness in the knees when around large groups of men. How many sports did you play in school doctor Sane? I bet he has a room filled with his atheletic trophies. Dr. Sane is very uncomfortable in the women's lingerie section of stores. He walks fast past mannequins in bras and pantys and seeks RELIEF by going to the sports section and grasping a thick bat and squeezing a few balls. READY DOWN. SET. HUT! is the dominant imagery of his dreams. Dr. Sane is incapable of dressing like FRANKENFURTER from THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW and then doing a lickity Shelia like MARILYN MANSON with DITA VON TEESE. Dr. Sane is even below the level of a Cuckold. Say what you want Dr. Sane. I am so happy to give your up to now boring life purpose. Hey. The Dollar Tree Store has excellent bottles of cocoa butter lotion. By the way. How are those college degrees working out for you. Your brilliant mind seems rather fatigued financially. Rather thread bare. Poor doctor. You must have your PHD in
Maybe you should try your already over worked hand in MALE PROSTITUTION. Throwin' them footballs you got one powerfuh back hand. Squik, squik!
Dr. Sane loves seizures and women with hair necks. That is why he dated my cousin before she DUMPED him for being an OODIE POO.
BENTSPOON would be a total drag without Truman's wild farts fogging up the room.
I'm drinking lots of BUTTER MILK and asparagus tonight so I can piss smell-fart up the hall here in the PSYCHIATRIC FACILITY. My idea of what is funny. Thanks doctor Sane for reminding me of my prissy effete ways too. Tomorrow I'll buy a package of pantyhose from the store while we are out on the group bus shopping. Tomorrow night I'll put them on nude while watching CHAZ BONO'S finale dance on Dancing With The Stars. She looks so much like doctor Sane's momma. I'll close the door and SLIDE on my sheets and pillow dreaming of his momma. It should enhance the intensity. I'm eating more steak and vegetables too to quickly build up my body fluids to keep up with the frequency. Remind me daily doctor Sane. That way I can envision your momma's jowels as I thump. ART! ART! ART! CCCHAZ! DR. SSSSANE'S MOMMA! ITS SO LIBERAL! PINK TRIANGLES! RAINBOWS! HHHHHEY! Hurry doctor Sane, run to the sporting goods section before you skeet on the floor!
Dr. Sane. I want to DO YOU, but only if you let your momma watch.
Dr. Sane. I want to DO YOU, but only if you let your momma watch.
This pass and add sheet is stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
Dr. Sane is a neo-con.
Dr. Sane puts vinegar on her fries and catsup in her douche.
Truman did not say that last one. No mean sayings. Just cool smooth responses to Dr. Sane. I still believe he is two or three men posting.
You want to "do" me?
Classic transference.
Q: How much is a full page advert in "The Newsletter"? I really need to reach that prissy and effete bed-wetter demographic for my practice, look what I've done for you.
Somebody posted that Dr. Sane. But interesting how that one particularly peeked your interest. Sometimes we say much more than we think we are saying. Classic SUBCONSCIOUS FREUDIAN SLIP on your part. Psychiatrists are like SPECIAL ED TEACHERS, after a while they start MODELING the behaviour of those in their charge.
It's OK to want me, that's normal, you don't have to hide behind Dr. Freud's skirts. Here's what's really wrong: your own prissy and effete self-hatred. That's the root of your sickness.
...peeked your interest...
... it's PIQUE not "peek" or even "peak" you brain-damaged moron.
Iffers won fing our turman nose iz SPECIAL ED tea-chairs
Piqued not peeked.
It will peak your interest! Read THE RAY JOHNSON NEWSLETTER send your WIC card or stamps to RAY JOHNSON JR. 3219 CARDEN DRIVE COSCUMBUS GEORGIA 31907-2143 U.S.A.
Go climb Pike's Pique you Grammer Natzi's!!!
Did Truman's momma never play pique-a-boo with him? The shame!
Due me, Dr. Sane, due me! This is the pique of my sexual experiences, your a reel man!
Pique? Is that some fancy Canadian spelling?
TRUMAN BENTLEY JR. is creating t-shirts with Truman's photo, Dr. Sane's name and DSM-IV 301.9 under it. DR. SANE AND THE DSM-IV is also going to be the name of Truman's PRISSY AND EFFETE ELECTRONICA DANCE QUARTET. T-shirts are sold in bulk only. Size S only (for a tight, nipple revealing fit), 48 shirts total for $300.00 or a WIC card. Send the THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS or a WIC card and Truman will send you 48 shirts. They are cool. Send to:
"PEEKED" was a connotation mocking Dr. Sane's deviant nature. As in PEEKING TOM. In Dr. Sane's case things do "PEEK HIS INTEREST". Because Dr. Sane is "PURRIENT". We hear he does a perfect EARTHA KITT Cat Woman immitation. Thanks for the PAUL LYNDE photo. It will be the cover of the next newsletter. So you had Paul Lynde's image right handy. I bet you got Ricky Martin and Liberace photos handy too. Probably under your pillow. Dr. Sane is a chiropractic doctor. The sure way to enable him to SOOTHE and CONTORT men's bodies. Now Dr. Sane. You bess not be dissin' hope and change. What you got ginz Ebonics?
You would be more convincing if you didn't misuse the word "connotation" in your rebuttal. The word isn't the connotation, the connotation is what the word invokes.
You are a filthy piece of White Trash aren't you? I thought you were just joking, silly me.
You against Ebonics aren't you Dr. Sane. The prez even says WE GOT in his speeches and interviews. How I gone have any STREET CRED if I go round spellin' "PIQUED". Naw dawg. Even Randy on MERIKIN IDOLS wouldn't go for dat.
Truman was a LATCH KEY KID. He was raised in a play pen until he was ten or eleven watching reruns of SANFORD AND SON, WHAT'S HAPPENING, and GOOD TIMES seven days a week year roun'! How you speck him tuh speak? What you tryin' tuh say with that "PIQUED" mess. You bettuh recognize!
Dr. Sane is LOVE. From now on I promise to take my meds.
Dr. Sane is looking ou for me. From now on I promise to take my meds.
Wear your hose. Take your meds. Then slither on your sleeping bag.
If you were ever in the army you should be ashamed of your service. You wouldn't last a week in the civilian world as a bag boy or a burger flipper. The civilian world survival is where the real men live. The army is for men who can't make it in the capitalist world. Most soldiers have LOW I.Q. scores. Borderline Cretins.
Dr. Sane takes meds. Appetite suppresants. And meds to reduce body hair.
Ross Priddle is
That's SPANNER you idiot, that's British English for a wrench!!! Take your meds 'tard boy!!!
YOU are the idiot. The title of John Lennon's JOYCEAN style book is A SPANIARD IN THE WORKS. On the cover John Lennon is wearing a bull fighter's cape and a Spanish tango dancer's hat. In his hand he holds a WRENCH. I was implying Ross is as good a writer as JOHN LENNON. You, YOU are a complete idiot. Completely. P.S. "HE" did not write that post anyway. I did, so go stalk somebody else's nut sack you buggering queen.
You posted a link to the book cover and you still didn't understand.
Ross. You should purposely refuse to post some people's commentary just to infuriate them. Lenin would have done that. That is why the Bolsheviks prevailed over the Mensheviks. Plus it is really fun.
He definately is school on Sunday.
TARD BOY you say. Making fun of the retarded. The lowest most desperate form of insult next to HOMOPHOBIA. Oh. That's right. You make fun of CHAZ too whenever CHAZ gets mentioned in a fun joking sort of way, but you really are mean about all that is CHAZ. You must have real CHAZ issues yourself, now don't you.
*This was not a posting from "HIM" either. Just taking up the slack until he returns.
If Ross doesn't post more often on Bentspoon, we are all going to just give up on Bentspoon.
If Ross doesn't post more often on Bentspoon, we are all going to just give up on Bentspoon.
The OPTRA WHENFREE SHOW got cancelled. Jist like RIKKI LAKE-T.
He definately is school on Sunday.
And your "definitely" a 'tard!
If Ross doesn't post more often on Bentspoon, we are all going to just give up on Bentspoon.
Not we? But please do you're Supeme 'tard-ness.
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